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This Week's Top Stories
September 14, 2001

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CinemaNow Premieres Downloads Of Pay-Per-View Feature Films

MARINA DEL REY, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/10/2001 -- CinemaNow has begun to offer selected feature films for download via its website, This marks the first time that a video-on-demand service has made feature films available to users in both streaming and downloading formats on a pay-per-view basis. more>>
SwapNut Skyrockets Into View, Becoming The 9th Most Downloaded File In The World

SAN DIEGO, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/10/2001 -- Within one week of launch, SwapNut? has become the most downloaded file sharing service on the Gnutella Network and the 9th most downloaded file in the world overall ( more>>

Palisade Systems
Palisade Systems, Inc. Introduces PacketHound 2.0

AMES, IA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/12/2001 -- PacketHound Protocol Management Appliance is an inexpensive and easy-to-use network appliance that allows organizations to monitor or eliminate the use of emerging protocols and applications. PacketHound can monitor, manage, or block the use of Aimster, Code Red, DoubleClick, Gnutella, iMesh, Napster, Real Media 1 and 2 , Scour Media Exchange, ShoutCast, WebRadio, Windows Media 1 and 2, among others and/or custom protocols on an organization's network. more>>

IBM Takes The Bite Out Of Storage-Greedy Devices With Microdrive Price Reduction

SAN JOSE, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/10/2001 -- IBM announced a price break for its family of Microdrives. The retail price for IBM's one-inch Microdrive is being reduced by as much as 32% (a reduction of up to $110) across all capacities, making it more affordable for consumers to access storage-intensive applications at home, in the office, or on-the-go. more>>

Seedling Technologies Corp.
C-Phone Unilaterally Delays Shareholder Meeting, Tacitly Admits To Defeat By Seedling

PORTLAND, OR -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/07/2001 -- Douglas B. Spink, Chairman and CEO of Seedling Technologies announced that C-Phone Corporation has closed its previously-scheduled special meeting without gaining shareholder approval to dissolve the company. Seedling has vehemently fought this dissolution proposal, and is encouraged to hear that C-Phone’s other shareholders support Seedling in this effort. more>>

MAKNOL multimedia available
SMS Services On The Web:

NORWAY -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/11/2001 -- launches the ultimate solution for web designers and web masters wanting to integrate SMS (Short Message Service) facilities in to there own or their customers web sites. The product, SMS Base, includes cross network sending solutions making it possible to send SMS messages to most countries in the world. more>>

Minerva Networks
Minerva Networks And Korea’s SK Group To Provide IP Based Television Services To Millions Of Subscribers Throughout Korea

SANTA CLARA, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/10/2001 -- Minerva Networks and SK Telecom will build multiple IP Television Headends throughout the country to enable the delivery of IP Television to millions of subscribers. The Contents Company will provide live television, near Video-on-Demand (NVOD), and true Video-on-Demand (VOD) to residents of the MDUs. more>>

Executive Software
NSTL And Executive Software Announce Release Of Free “Test-For-Yourself” Utility:

BURBANK, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/12/2001 -- NSTL and Executive Software released a ?Test-For-Yourself? utility to the media at the N+I trade show in Atlanta. The purpose of the utility is to empower users with a tool to compare the market leading third party defrag software against the utility included in Windows 2000. Industry analysts, including IDC, have reported that companies lose as much as $50 billion each year as a result of not defragmenting all their servers and workstations on a regular basis. more>>

Screenblast - Experience. Create. Connect.

CARLSBAD, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/10/2001 -- ChatSpace announced its relationship with Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment?s Screenblast to develop its chat community. The ChatSpace technology enables the empowered Screenblast community to immerse themselves and become engaged in new ways within the site?s broadband-based service offerings. more>>


American Airlines
American Confirms Two Aircraft Lost

FORT WORTH, TX -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/11/2001 -- American Airlines confirmed that it lost two aircraft in tragic incidents this morning. American said the flights were Flight 11, a Boeing 767 en route from Boston to Los Angeles with 81 passengers, nine flight attendants and two pilots; and Flight 77, a Boeing 757 operating from Washington Dulles to Los Angeles with 58 passengers, four flight attendants and two pilots. more>> Implores All Traders, Speculators, Investors To UNITE And To Offer Support !

NEW YORK, NY -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/12/2001 -- While we as a NATION are stunned by recent events in our country and while we prepare for the re-opening of our financial markets, the many helpless and confused members of the public will undoubtedly be subject to knee jerk reactions to liquidate positions and make finacial decisions that may not be in their best interests. more>>

NewspaperDirect multimedia available
NewspaperDirect Opens Window On Global Newspapers

NEW YORK, NY -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/12/2001 -- Visitors to the NewspaperDirect website ( can view complete editions of newspapers from around the world in their original print format. NewspaperDirect?s web-based display of newspapers does not require any additional software or plug-ins for viewing. Complete editions of the more than 90 newspapers distributed by NewspaperDirect are online now. more>> Offers Its Deepest Sympathies And Condolences To Everyone In New York, Washington DC. And The Nation As A Whole.

SAN DIEGO, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/11/2001 -- A Cowardice act of unprecedented proportion has come crashing down on our Nation. We must seek, find, apprehend and destroy those who are Responsible for this Terrorist Attack. From The Staff of, Pacific Equity Investigations and the members of We offer our deepest condolences & heart felt wishes to This Great Nation. more>>


MusicPlayground, Inc.
Next Generation Interactive Music Entertainment Platform Debuts From MusicPlayground, A Namco Limited Subsidiary

ANDOVER, MA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/11/2001 -- The next generation of Internet/Windows? PC-based interactive music entertainment was introduced by MusicPlayground. MusicPlayground is also a platform for musicians who want to either learn or practice the actual guitar, bass, and drum parts of the songs by plugging in their real instruments. Thus, MusicPlayground marks the first time that musicians and non-musicians alike can take and share the same stage, turning their family room into a concert arena. more>>

PBS Preempts Primetime Schedule For In-Depth Coverage And Analysis Of Terrorist Assault, “America Responds”

ALEXANDRIA, VA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/12/2001 -- PBS will provide nightly coverage and analysis of the terrorist attacks on the United States with ?America Responds,? including THE NEWSHOUR WITH JIM LEHRER; special live reports from Gwen Ifill, host of WASHINGTON WEEK, and Bill Moyers; a Town Hall Meeting hosted by Ms. Ifill, Mr. Moyers, Charlie Rose, Louis Rukeyser (WALL $TREET WEEK WITH LOUIS RUKEYSER) and ABC News Nightline?s Michel Martin (host of LIFE 360); and an updated FRONTLINE special on Osama bin Laden. more>>

eGlobal Digital
eGlobal Digital Partners With RightsLine, Inc. To Help Companies Keep Track Of Broadcast Media Rights

AMSTERDAM -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/12/2001 -- eGlobal Digital is committed to providing open and scaleable solutions that will enable clients to meet their ROI objectives while minimizing their risk. The company has addressed this via the completion of its solution that can capture, ingest and encode content automatically, then store, retrieve and deliver this in various formats. Throughout this process, rights and royalty information is managed each step of the way to ensure proper treatment of the content at each milestone. more>>

Beyond Music
Judas Priest And Anthrax Postpone All Shows Until January

LOS ANGELES, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/13/2001 -- Due to recent events, Judas Priest have decided to postpone their U.S. tour with Anthrax until January. As the venues were all selected to accommodate this great double bill, Anthrax do not have the option of continuing the tour on their own. The band do plan on re-scheduling a show in Chicago for early October in order to record their live album as they had planned. more>>

Consumer Electronics

Midway Sports Scores Big On Game Boy(R) Advance With All-New NFL(R) Blitz(R) 20-02

CHICAGO, IL -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/11/2001 -- Midway Sports announced that NFL Blitz 20-02 shipped for the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo's 32-bit handheld videogame system. NFL Blitz 20-02 is also scheduled to ship in December for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system and is currently in development for the Xbox video game system from Microsoft and the Nintendo GameCube. more>>

Daily Debuts
Interesting websites from A to Z! --
Unbiased Market Alerts, Financial News, And Stock Picks. Just 96 Cents A Week!

Dish or Direct --
A Consumer's Guide To Satellite Television Programming And Equipment -- And Producer Daniel James Announce The New Web Site

Index of Today's Headlines

CinemaNow CinemaNow Premieres Downloads Of Pay-Per-View Feature Films SwapNut Skyrockets Into View, Becoming The 9th Most Downloaded File In The World
Palisade Systems Palisade Systems, Inc. Introduces PacketHound 2.0
IBM IBM Takes The Bite Out Of Storage-Greedy Devices With Microdrive Price Reduction
Seedling Technologies Corp. C-Phone Unilaterally Delays Shareholder Meeting, Tacitly Admits To Defeat By Seedling
MAKNOL SMS Services On The Web: multimedia available
Minerva Networks Minerva Networks And Korea’s SK Group To Provide IP Based Television Services To Millions Of Subscribers Throughout Korea
Executive Software NSTL And Executive Software Announce Release Of Free “Test-For-Yourself” Utility:
ChatSpace Screenblast - Experience. Create. Connect.

American Airlines American Confirms Two Aircraft Lost Implores All Traders, Speculators, Investors To UNITE And To Offer Support !
NewspaperDirect NewspaperDirect Opens Window On Global Newspapers multimedia available Offers Its Deepest Sympathies And Condolences To Everyone In New York, Washington DC. And The Nation As A Whole.

MusicPlayground, Inc. Next Generation Interactive Music Entertainment Platform Debuts From MusicPlayground, A Namco Limited Subsidiary
PBS PBS Preempts Primetime Schedule For In-Depth Coverage And Analysis Of Terrorist Assault, “America Responds”
eGlobal Digital eGlobal Digital Partners With RightsLine, Inc. To Help Companies Keep Track Of Broadcast Media Rights
Beyond Music Judas Priest And Anthrax Postpone All Shows Until January

Consumer Electronics
Midway Midway Sports Scores Big On Game Boy(R) Advance With All-New NFL(R) Blitz(R) 20-02

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