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A tribute to Dark Ninja

A time in everybody's life comes and goes, but his went to early... Dark Ninja, the man who came into the e-fed world just recently, and showed so much potential, died on 04-07-01 in a car crash, fellow wrestler "Kingkrash" landed in the hospital and is currently in critical condition after this accident. Drinks and drugs did not factor in this accident, and the people in the e-fed world are in shock!

-Ap press.

At the furneral for Dark Ninja kingkrash from his wheelchair made this statement:

"I don't exactly know what happened, me and him we're driving down the highway, when this car smashed into the passenger side of our Vehicle, which was the side he was on."
"We we're heading to a NAWA event, which Dark Ninja was a wrestler in, he was getting a title shot... Now, his career and life have ended..."

Dark Ninja
07-24-1975 - 04-07-01
"May he rest in peace..."