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High School Science Standards

Science Home Page

Advanced Placement Physics



Students will design and conduct scientific investigations

  • Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations
  • Use appropriate tools, technology, and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data
  • Organize and maintain a journal showing all phases of investigations
  • Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence and logic
  • Use mathematics to explain, interpret, and improve investigations and communications
  • Construct logical relationships between evidence and explanations
  • Identify and analyze alternative explanations, models, and predictions
  • Demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry

Students will communicate scientific procedures and explanations

  • Demonstrate effective methods to organize and display scientific concepts
  • Present investigative procedures and results to others verbally, graphically, and in writing
  • Communicate science concepts accurately and clearly, using scientific vocabulary




Students will apply principles of kinematics (including vectors, vector algebra, components of vectors, coordinate systems, displacement, velocity, and acceleration)

  • Investigate motion in one dimension and two dimensions (including projectile motion, uniform circular motion)
  • Mathematically explain principles related to vectors, components of vectors, coordinate systems, displacement, velocity, and acceleration
  • Demonstrate and explain the law of static equilibrium
  • Demonstrate and explain the law of a single particle
  • Demonstrate and explain law three, systems of two or more bodies
  • Explain work and work-energy theorem (time and causality)
  • Demonstrate and explain conservation of energy and potential energy
  • Explain power
  • Describe systems of particles, linear momentum (center of mass, impulse and momentum, conservation of linear momentum, collisions)
  • Explain science principles related to rotation, torque, rotational inertia, rotational dynamics, angular momentum and its conservation
  • Explain oscillations and gravitation (including simple harmonic motion, mass on a spring, pendulum and other oscillations, law of gravity, orbits of planets and satellites

Students will differentiate between work, energy, and power

  • Explain work and work-energy theorem
  • Demonstrate conservative forces and potential energy
  • Describe conservation of energy
  • Explain power

Students will understand systems of particles, linear momentum

  • Explain center of mass
  • Demonstrate principles related to impulse and momentum
  • Describe conservation of linear momentum, including collisions

Students will apply Newtonian principles related to rotation and torque

  • Demonstrate and explain torque and rotational statics
  • Explain rotational kinematics
  • Describe rotational inertia and rotational dynamics
  • Demonstrate angular momentum and its conservation (point particles, extended bodies)

Students will explain oscillations and gravitation force

  • Explain simple harmonic motion (dynamics and energy relationships)
  • Conduct experiments with pendulums and other oscillations
  • Explain mass on a spring
  • Describe the orbits of planets and satellites (circular and general)
  • Explain Newton's law of gravity




Students will distinguish between temperature and heat

  • Explain the mechanical equivalent of heat
  • Compare specific and latent heat, including calorimetry
  • Demonstrate heat transfer and thermal expansion

Students will understand understand kinetic theory and thermodynamics

  • Explain ideal gas law (kinetic model, ideal gas law)
  • Demonstrate the laws of thermodynamics, including processes on pVdiagrams and heat engines




Students will explain electrostatics

  • Explain charge, field, and potential
  • Describe Coulomb's law and field and potential of point charges
  • Explain fields and potentials of other charge distributions (examples: planar, spherical symmetry, cylindrical symmetry)
  • Describe Gauss's law

Students will differentiate between conductors, capacitors, and dielectrics

  • Demonstrate electrostatics with conductors
  • Explain capacitors (parallel plate, spherical and cylindrical)
  • Describe dielectrics

Students will design and build electric circuits

  • Differentiate between current, resistance, and power
  • Build a steady-state direct current circuit with batteries and resistors only
  • Design capacitors in circuits and explain steady state and transients in RC circuits

Students will explain magnetostatics

  • Explain forces on moving charges in magnetic fields
  • Explain forces on current-carrying wires in magnetic fields
  • Explain fields of long current-carrying wires
  • Describe Biot-Savart and Ampere's law

Students will understand electromagnetism

  • Distinguish between Faraday's law and Lenz's law
  • Describe inductance (including LR and LC circuits)
  • Explain Maxwell's equations






Students will understand principles related to wave motion

  • Determine the properties of traveling waves
  • Describe the properties of standing waves
  • Explain the doppler effect
  • Demonstrate and explain superposition

Students will explain science principles applied to physical optics

  • Explain interference and diffraction
  • Demonstrate dispersion of light and the electromagnetic spectrum

Students will explain geometric optics

  • Demonstrate reflection and refraction
  • Explain factors related to mirrors and lenses



Students will explain science principles related to atomic physics

  • Explain the Rutherford model and alpha particle scattering
  • Describe photons and photoelectric effect
  • Explain Bohr model and energy levels
  • Describe wave-particle duality
  • Explain nuclear reactions

Students will understand principles related to nuclear physics

  • Explain radioactivity and half-life
  • Describe nuclear reactions, including conservation of mass number and charge

Students will explain the theory of relativity

  • Determine postulates of special relativity
  • Describe space and time effects
  • Explain mass and energy effects