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High School Science Standards

Science Home Page

Environmental Science



Students will design and conduct scientific investigations

  • Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations
  • Use appropriate tools, technology, and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data
  • Organize and maintain a journal showing all phases of investigations
  • Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence and logic
  • Use mathematics to explain, interpret, and improve investigations and communications
  • Construct logical relationships between evidence and explanations
  • Identify and analyze alternative explanations, models, and predictions
  • Demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry
  • Use fair test procedures

Students will communicate scientific procedures and explanations

  • Demonstrate effective methods to organize and display scientific concepts
  • Present investigative procedures and results to others verbally, graphically, and in writing
  • Communicate science concepts accurately and clearly, using scientific vocabulary




The learner will describe components of an ecosystem

  • Distinguish the biotic factors of an ecosystem
  • Analyze the chemical factors of an ecosystem
  • Determine the physical factors of an ecosystem
  • Describe an ecosystem as a complex relationship of biotic, chemical, and physical factors

The learner will understanding the flow of energy through an ecosystem

  • Explain and model the flow of energy through an ecosystem
  • Estimate relative energy loss in an ecosystem

The learner will analyze the role of chemical cycles in the biosphere

  • Describe the carbon and oxygen cycle
  • Explain the water cycle
  • Investigate mineral cycles such as nitrogen and phosphorus

The student will determine the factors that influence rates of changes in populations

  • Estimate population size
  • Describe the limiting factors of a population
  • Identify the major causes for extinction of species
  • Explore the influence of humans on accelerating species extinction

The student will analyze adaptations of organisms within different biomes and communities

  • Explain characteristics of world biomes
  • Evaluate special adaptations of plants and animals
  • Investigate a local ecosystem
  • Explain the role of population diversity in community survival
  • Describe the role of genetic diversity in species survival

Students will understand how ecological conditions change over time

  • Describe how nature heals and replenishes an area after a major disruption (examples: forest fire, plowed fields, volcanic island)

Students will evaluate the effects of human behavior on environmental quality

  • Identify sources of air pollution and determine the impact on environmental quality
  • Identify sources of water pollution and determine the impact on environmental quality
  • Describe land use problems and predict future impact on society

Students will make informed decisions about the use of natural resources

  • Compare the Earth's supply of renewable and nonrenewable resources
  • Understand the operations and use of technologies that use natural resources (examples: nuclear energy, wind power)
  • Identify individual and group actions for conservation
  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of resource usage








Students will demonstrate abilities in technological design

  • Design and construct a solution to an identified problem
  • Determine the effectiveness of the solution
  • Design and conduct an investigation to determine the quality of commercial "environmental friendly" products

Students will understand about science and technology

  • Determine how science and technology relate to environmental management and monitoring
  • Compare the intended benefits and unintended consequences of a technology
  • Explain constraints in technological designs




Students will practice safety

  • Demonstrate personal and group safety when engaged in science activities
  • Analyze the use of personal safety devices (examples: hearing protectors, sun glasses, UV filters)

Students will evaluate factors affecting environmental quality

  • Investigate environmental problems within the local community
  • Evaluate criteria for environmental quality
  • Investigate monitoring efforts for environmental quality
  • Conduct a risk-benefit study for an environmental problem





Students investigate examples of science as a human endeavor

  • Describe how environmental management involves teamwork
  • Examine the ethical traditions of scientists and environmentalists
  • Investigate contributions to environmental management from different genders and cultures
  • Investigate career choices in environmental science (examples: costs, required professional preparation, job opportunities)

Students will explain the nature of scientific knowledge

  • Explain how science is involved in the process of environmental management
  • Analyze criteria used by industry, environmental enforcement, and environmental action groups in their research and publications

Students will understand the important historical events of environmental science

  • Describe the efforts of scientists and nonscientists who have contributed to the awareness and management of environmental problems
  • Explain how the center of scientific research has shifted between cultures over time
  • Investigate how scientific and technological advances have made long lasting contributions to society