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Elementary Science Standards

Science Home Page

Grade Two Science



Students will conduct investigations using the processes of scientific inquiry

  • Access information from a variety of reliable sources
  • Design and conduct observational investigations
  • Select and use appropriate tools to collect and record data, measure data, and make observations
  • Ask questions about phenomena, make predictions, and begin to use scientific vocabulary in reporting observations
  • Use classification systems
  • Organize and explain data graphically
  • Interpret data from observations and investigations
  • Construct representative models of phenomena
  • Describe objects, procedures, and results orally and in writing
  • Summarize and state conclusions of scientific investigations




Students will identify the properties of objects and materials

  • Conduct experiments that demonstrate the three states of matter (example: water)
  • Develop classification systems for sorting objects based on physical characteristics (examples: buoyancy, shine, hardness, flexibility)

Students will explore the position and motion of objects

  • Move objects of different sizes and weights and conclude that more force is required to move heavier objects
  • Record and illustrate the directional paths of objects (examples: circular, straight, zig zag, high, low)
  • Describe the speed of movement as slow, slower, fast, faster
  • Explore ways to produce different speeds to produce different sounds
  • Compare techniques and forces needed for moving objects

Students will explore characteristics of light and magnetism

  • Investigate magnetic attraction and repulsion with regard to magnets’ poles
  • Design investigations that determine the relative strength of different magnets
  • Investigate and record the temperatures of different objects and places in the environment
  • Investigate and describe the reflection of light
  • Design a simple circuit and identify its components




Students will identify the characteristics of organisms

  • Differentiate unique characteristics of organisms, to include plants and animals
  • Describe different behaviors of organisms to find food, water, and shelter from the environment

Students will understand that organisms have life cycles

  • Explore the life cycles of different organisms, including plants, animals, and other organisms
  • Differentiate animals that reproduce babies that are similar/different to their parents

Students will study how organisms survive in distinct environments

  • Investigate protective adaptations of living organisms (examples: coloration, covering, and protective mechanisms)
  • Identify how specialized structures of animals and plants are especially suited to certain environments



Students will identify the properties of earth materials

  • Classify rocks and soils using observable characteristics (examples: color, size, texture, capacity to retain water)
  • Identify water, air, and soil as natural resources
  • Investigate different rock samples that contain fossils and compare fossils with living organisms

Students will describe changes in Earth and sky

  • Describe ways that the Earth’s surface is constantly changing (examples: erosion, weathering, dynamic changes)
  • Observe and record weather changes in the local environment
  • Observe and record the phases of the moon through several months




Students will identify simple technologies

  • Explore specific technologies that assist humans to work efficiently
  • Examine commonly used tools or toys and explain how they work

Students will demonstrate inquiry abilities in technology design

  • Identify a problem in the immediate environment and propose possible solutions
  • Establish criteria for effective solutions
  • Explore possible solutions in small groups or whole class
  • Implement a proposed solution and evaluate results
  • Communicate methods and solutions (orally, written, or pictorial)



Students will practices safety

  • Demonstrate personal and group safety when engaging in science activities

Students will practice conservation of resources

  • Identify where important resources are located
  • Practice conservation strategies for using resources at school
  • Find new ways to reuse materials (examples: milk cartons, film canisters, paper)

Students will understand how humans interact with the environment

  • Observe and explain why changes occur in the indoor and outdoor school environment
  • Explain how students affect the environment




Students will identify science as a human endeavor

  • Recognize that science is an activity that students can do in the classroom
  • Recognize scientists come from a variety of backgrounds (gender and culture)