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Elementary Science Standards

Science Home Page

Grade Three Science



Students will conduct investigations using the processes of scientific inquiry

  • Access information from a variety of reliable sources
  • Design and conduct observational and experimental investigations
  • Select and use appropriate tools to collect and record data, measure data, and make observations
  • Ask questions about phenomena, make predictions, and formulate explanations
  • Use classification systems
  • Use scientific vocabulary in reporting observations
  • Organize and explain data graphically
  • Analyze and interpret data from observations and investigations
  • Construct representative models of phenomena
  • Describe objects, procedures, and results orally and in writing
  • Summarize and state conclusions of scientific investigations





Students will explore the position and motion of objects

  • Investigate ways to change the motion of objects
  • Infer that objects moving faster will travel further in a given time
  • Investigate how changes in force cause changes in motion

Students will explore characteristics of light, heat, electricity, and magnetism

  • Investigate and describe the properties of light (examples: reflection, refraction, absorption, and color)
  • Explore different materials to determine those that transmit, partially transmit, or block light




Students will identify characteristics that determine groups of organisms

  • Appreciate the diversity among living things
  • Compare behaviors of animals (examples: protecting their young, living in groups, domestication, types of shelters)
  • Compare specific structures of different animals that enable them to survive

Students will study how organisms survive in distinct environments

  • Investigate how living things who share the same environment are interdependent
  • Give examples of relationships that interact in food chains and food webs
  • Compare environments that support a diversity of plants and animals




Students will compare properties of the Earth materials

  • Investigate methods that scientists use to classify rocks, minerals, and soils (examples: appearance, texture, hardness)
  • Experiment with different soils to determine their capacity to support life
  • Identify types of resources found in the Earth (examples: minerals, water, gas) and how humans use these materials
  • Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources
  • Explain how fossils provide evidence of the Earth’s history

Students will distinguish between objects in the sky

  • Investigate and describe the properties of the sun, moon, and stars
  • Observe and describe prominent constellations in the sky

Students will describe changes in Earth and sky

  • Explain how the path of the sun across the sky changes during the year
  • Provide evidence that the moon’s cycle is 28 days




Students will investigate the use of different technologies

  • Examine unfamiliar tools and infer how they are used
  • Identify materials used in a variety of objects
  • Conduct simple product testing

Students will demonstrate inquiry abilities in technology design

  • Identify a problem in the immediate environment and propose possible solutions
  • Establish criteria for effective solutions
  • Explore possible solutions in small groups/or class
  • Implement proposed solution and evaluate results
  • Communicate methods and solutions (orally, written, or pictorial)

Students will distinguish between natural and man-made objects

  • Classify materials and objects as either natural or designed by humans




Students will practice safety

  • Demonstrate personal and group safety when engaging in science activities

Students will understand characteristics and changes in populations

  • Investigate changes that are currently occurring in populations of organisms in the local environment

Students will know the importance of resources

  • Compare availability of important resources within the local environment
  • Find ways to reduce dependence upon limited natural resources within the local environment

Students will describe changes in environments

  • Investigate and describe environmental factors that affect organisms, including the quality of life for humans
  • Evaluate the effects of natural changes that occur in the environment (examples: earthquakes, volcanoes, floods)




Students will describe science as a human endeavor

  • Recognize that science is an activity that students can do in the classroom
  • Identify men and women from different cultures who have contributed to science and technology