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Middle School Science Standards

Science Home Page

Integrated Science I



Students will design and conduct scientific investigations

  • Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations
  • Use appropriate tools, technology, and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data
  • Organize and maintain a journal showing procedures and results of investigations
  • Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence
  • Use mathematics in scientific inquiry
  • Construct logical relationships between evidence and explanations
  • Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and predictions
  • Use fair testing procedures

Students will communicate scientific procedures and explanations

  • Demonstrate effective methods to organize and display science data and concepts
  • Present investigative results to others verbally, graphically, and in writing
  • Communicate accurately and clearly about science concepts, using scientific vocabulary




Students will apply the principles of motion and forces

  • Design and conduct investigations to calculate the speed (rate of travel) of moving objects
  • Explain how changes of position over time determines the speed of moving objects
  • Demonstrate how objects have potential and/or kinetic energy
  • Compare the interactions of balanced and unbalanced forces, action and reaction

Students will explain the transfer of energy

  • Demonstrate how energy is transferred (examples: electrical energy to mechanical energy, mechanical energy to electrical energy)
  • Construct both series and parallel circuits and trace the flow of electrical energy through each
  • Describe how electrical energy is transferred to produce heat, light, sound, mechanical and chemical energy (examples: dry cell battery, electroplating, nickel-cadmium rechargeable battery)





Students will analyze the relationship between structure and function

  • Compare the cellular, tissue, organ, and system organizations of animals and plants
  • Explain the structures and functions of the circulatory and respiratory systems

Students will explain reproduction and heredity

  • Compare asexual and sexual reproduction
  • Describe human reproduction and the development of the fetus
  • Compare traits that are inherited with traits that are learned

Students will explain how populations relate to ecosystems

  • Identify the energy relationships between producers, consumers, and decomposers in an ecosystem
  • Describe ways that different species respond to each other within the same ecosystem
  • Compare organisms that perform the same function in different ecosystems

Students will describe the diversity and adaptations of organisms within an ecosystem

  • Explain theories for the extinction of organisms
  • Describe how environmental changes may cause endangerment and extinction
  • Explain adaptive characteristics of species determine their chance for survival or possible extinction
  • Defend the argument that most species that once lived on earth no longer exist
  • Investigate modern day efforts to prevent the extinction of plants and animals




Students will understand structures of the Earth system

  • Design and construct a model to explain the water cycle
  • Differentiate between weather and climate
  • Explain the importance of the oceans in forming weather patterns and how this affects climate


Students will explain the Earth's position in the solar system

  • Create a 3 dimensional model to demonstrate the relationships of Earth to the sun and moon
  • Infer that the angle of the sun's rays is responsible for temperature changes during the seasons
  • Describe objects that enter the solar system from the outside (examples: comets, meteorites, micrometeorites)
  • Explain solar and lunar eclipses





Students will demonstrate ability in technological design

  • Identify products or examples of technology that are commonly used
  • Design and conduct a product test using clearly stated criteria
  • Based on evaluations, determine ways to improve the product test design
  • Communicate the methods and procedures used for the product test

Students will explain why science and technology are interdependent

  • Describe how technology is constantly changing (examples: computers, medical equipment, automobiles)
  • Compare the intended benefits and unintended consequences of a technology




Students will practice safety

  • Demonstrate personal and group safety when engaged in science activities
  • Demonstrate the safe use of electricity in the home and school
  • Describe safety precautions needed during natural hazards (examples: fires, earthquakes, electrical storms, and tornadoes)





Students will evaluate risks and benefits

  • Evaluate the risks, costs, and benefits of human decisions related to natural hazards (examples: fires, earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes)
  • Investigate how students' actions could have an impact on world environmental concerns




Students will understand that science is a human endeavor

  • Identify contributions of individuals from other cultures who have contributed to knowledge in science, technology, and engineering
  • Determine types of educational choices required for science and technology careers

Students will understand the nature of scientific work and the cooperation between scientists

  • Describe methods that scientists use to formulate and test their explanations
  • Cite examples of scientists who have used new evidence to make modifications on existing explanations
  • Describe the roles of scientists who have worked in teams to solve a problem or make a scientific discovery (examples: space shuttle team, atomic energy, DNA)
  • Explain how scientists communicate the results of their work

Students will describe events in the history of science

  • Describe the work of scientists whose discoveries were ahead of their day
  • Describe the scientific contributions of ancient societies (examples: Egyptians, Chinese, and Arabs)