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High School Science Standards

Science Home Page

Marine Biology



Students will design and conduct scientific investigations

  • Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations
  • Use appropriate tools, technology, and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data
  • Organize and maintain a journal showing all phases of investigations
  • Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence and logic
  • Use mathematics to explain, interpret, and improve investigations and communications
  • Construct logical relationships between evidence and explanations
  • Identify and analyze alternative explanations, models, and predictions
  • Demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry

Students will communicate scientific procedures and explanations

  • Demonstrate effective methods to organize and display scientific concepts
  • Present investigative procedures and results to others verbally, graphically, and in writing
  • Communicate science concepts accurately and clearly, using scientific vocabulary




Students will understand the Earth's structures lying beneath the oceans

  • Explain the theory of plate tectonics
  • Describe hydrothermal circulation
  • Compare active and passive margins
  • Model and describe the major ocean basins (examples: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian)
  • Identify major trenches and volcanoes beneath the oceans

Students will analyze the physical properties of the ocean

  • Evaluate theories explaining the origin and formation of oceans
  • Describe the characteristics of seawater
  • Explain the carbon dioxide and carbonate cycles

Students will understand atmospheric conditions that influence the oceans

  • Analyze factors that determine weather
  • Describe the Coriolis Effect
  • Explain heat budget
  • Describe the formation and effects of El Ninos and Southern Oscillations






Students will determine the role of currents on the marine environment

  • Describe upwelling
  • Explain estuarine circulation
  • Describe how ocean currents interact with coast lines and beaches

Students will understand the role of plant life in a marine environment

  • Compare monerans and protists (bacteria and plankton)
  • Describe special characteristics of marine plant life

Students will compare invertebrate and vertebrate organisms in the oceans

  • Distinguish between invertebrates (examples: sponges, cnidarians, mollusks, cephalopods, and others)
  • Explain the characteristics of vertebrates in ocean habitat (examples: fishes, reptiles, and mammals)

Students will describe interactions between physical and biological events in marine environments

  • Describe types of food chains and food webs

Student will analyze ecological issues related to marine organisms

  • Determine costs of oil spills
  • Distinguish the major characteristics of the marine biozones
  • Analyze the ecological factors within the marine environment
  • Compare and contrast the adaptations of various marine organisms to their environments
  • Evaluate man's influence on the marine environment




Students will demonstrate abilities in technological design

  • Design and construct a new solution to an identified problem
  • Determine the effectiveness of the solution
  • Design and conduct an investigation to determine the quality of commercial products

Students will understand about science and technology

  • Determine how technology has affected research in marine biology
  • Determine how current projects involving marine science and technology could impact on humans and the oceans in the future and explain possible constraints of these projects



Students will practice safety

  • Demonstrate personal and group safety when engaged in science activities
  • Describe safety and health problems related to the oceans and marine organisms

Students will evaluate the factors affecting environmental quality

  • Establish criteria for environmental quality related to ocean resources
  • Analyze pollution factors that impact on marine life

Students will understand the availability and consumption of natural resources

  • Determine the availability of nonrenewable versus renewable natural resources related to oceans
  • Determine past and future efforts to control or harvest natural resources from the oceans




Students will describe science as a human endeavor

  • Provide examples of how scientific endeavors to study marine organisms involve teamwork
  • Examine the ethical traditions of scientists
  • Describe the contributions of scientists, representing different cultures and genders, who have significantly contributed to knowledge about the oceans
  • Research a selected scientific career (examples: costs, required professional preparation, job opportunities)

Students will explain the nature of scientific knowledge

  • Explain how science distinguishes itself from other ways of knowing
  • Analyze criteria used by scientists in their research and publications

Students will know important historical events of science

  • Describe past efforts of scientists to study the oceans and marine life
  • Evaluate the importance of current day research in deep sea oceanography and marine biology