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PSC 94
APO AE 09825-0005

EUROPE 23 August, 2000


SUBJECT: Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching

This is to announce DoDEA participation in the 2000 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching for elementary and secondary teachers. The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching was established in 1983 by the White House and is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The program identifies outstanding science and mathematics teachers in each state, selected territories, and the Department of Defense Education Activity. Teachers who are chosen for the Presidential Awards serve as models for their colleagues in the improvement of teaching in science and mathematics.

Your assistance is necessary to make science and mathematics teachers aware of this program, to foster nominations of teachers for this award, and to encourage outstanding teachers to submit an application. The nomination process requires 3 steps:

1. Nominations: A PAESMT brochure including the Request for Application Form will be sent to all schools as soon as they arrive from DoDEA. Please submit all nominations using this form by December 19, 2000 to your district science or mathematics liaison. The form may be reproduced for multiple nominations, but only one name is to be submitted on each form. Nominations may also be submitted by Email. Just send the names to the district math or science liaison. A teacher can be nominated by district personnel, administrators, teachers, students, or parents.
2. Application Packet: Early in January each nominee will be sent an application packet from their district liaison.
3. Application Submission: The completed application packet must be submitted to Headquarters not later than March 16, 2000, Attention: Science Coordinator or Math Coordinator. Please send your application return receipt requested.

4. Application Packets can also be found online at

The DoDEA competition will include both the domestic schools and the overseas schools. The opportunity to receive this prestigious award is an outstanding experience for teachers and brings credit to the individual schools as well as to DoDEA. We are looking for wide participation from all schools.

Last year, the TSI District was pleased to announce that both DODEA Presidential Awards for Science and Math were awarded to two teachers from the TSI District's school in Bahrain : Theresa Martin (Science) and Judy Byrd-Masters (Math).

If there are additional questions please send them to the district liaisons. Your support and cooperation is greatly appreciated.


Tim Connors
Science Instructional Specialist