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Science Home

Science Teacher Professional Organizations & Links:

The following links to professional organizations may be helpful for teachers and parents seeking ways to enhance student science instruction or to obtain information about workshops and/or classes:


National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA)

National Geographics Society

The College Board (Advanced Placement Course/Exam information)

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Earth Science Teachers' Association

American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)

The JASON Project

U.S. Geological Survey - National Earthquake Center

Sky & Telescope: Resources - Astronomy & Space Links

U.S. Naval Observatory

National Center for Science Education

Science & Mathematics Education Resources

Earth Science Education Resources

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (Dept. of Energy)

Office of Science Education (OSE)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

National Science Education Standards

Learning Technologies (Star Lab)

Weather Underground




The American Museum of Natural History

The Smithsonian Institutions

The Hayden Planetarium

The Shedd Aquarium

The Exploratorium: The Museum of Science, Art & Human Perception (San Francisco)

U.S. Space Camp

Space Camp - Izmir, Turkey

The Field Museum of Natural History

Museum of Science & Industry (Chicago)

Abrams Planetarium

New York Hall of Science


Scientific Supply Houses:

Carolina Biological

Fisher Scientific

Pitsco Innovative Education

Ward's Life, Environmental, Earth & Physical

Frey Scientific

Nasco Science


Forestry Suppliers, Inc.

Flinn Scientific Inc.



Learning Services


Team Labs


Science "Fun" Sites:

Ask Dr. Universe

Bill Nye, "The Science Guy"

Science Rock

Science Fair Homepage

Uncle Earl's Science Resource Home Page (DoDDS-Brussel's DSO)

Scientific American Online (Ages 12-18)

KidsHealth (Ages 8-18)

Science Fair Central (Ages 7-18)

National Geographic Expeditions (Ages 5-18)


Elementary Science Teacher Resources:

Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Science: Teacher Resources

Scholastic Science Place: Teacher Resources


DoDDS ScienceTeacher Features:

If you have created a science websites or science related resource that you would like to share, please send me an Email and URL for your project at:

WebQuest - A Genetic Controversy (Ages 14-18) Created by Tim Connors (Turkey/Spain/Islands - DSO)