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Science & Math Service Learning


Training workshops were held this past summer for math and science teachers at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. The purpose of the training was to provide background material to math and science teachers concerning the service learning program for eleventh grade students. Teachers who attended the workshop are encouraged to present an overview of the workshop to their schools' math and science staff members. Administrators attended a similar workshop in Las Vegas, NV.

Science and mathematics classes have been designated as the courses for eleventh grade students to participate in service learning projects. Schools can determine at the local level if science or math classes or both will provide the supervision for eleventh grade students. DODEA has plans to provide funding for a school level service learning coordinator who will be paid as an extracurricular activity. Teacher manuals and students manual should be in the schools by September.

District-wide Service Learning training for eleventh grade science teachers will be conducted at each school with the approval of the local principal.

Math teachers will be provided Service Learning training as part of their math implementation workshops.

Mr. Scott Lydell is the DoDDS-Europe Service Learning Coordinator.