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High School Science Standards

Science Home Page

Science, Technology & Society



Students will design and conduct scientific investigations

  • Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations
  • Use appropriate tools, technology, and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data
  • Organize and maintain a journal showing all phases of investigations
  • Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence and logic
  • Use mathematics to explain, interpret, and improve investigations and communications
  • Construct logical relationships between evidence and explanations
  • Identify and analyze alternative explanations, models, and predictions
  • Demonstrate understanding about scientific inquiry
  • Use fair test procedures

Students will communicate scientific procedures and explanations

  • Demonstrate effective methods to organize and display scientific concepts
  • Present investigative procedures and results to others verbally, graphically, and in writing
  • Communicate science concepts accurately and clearly, using scientific vocabulary





Students will understand the principles of energy

  • Design, build, and evaluate a working model of an alternate energy technology
  • Design and conduct investigations into how people and things are moved throughout the world
  • Design a transportation infrastructure that would survive an energy crisis (example: 1973 oil crisis)
  • Design and conduct investigations into the quality of commercially available products based on their energy efficiency (examples: household applicance, vehicles)

Students will apply principles of electronics

  • Design and conduct investigations of the ways in which electronic devices are used in communication
  • Design an electronic device for communication


Students will apply the principles of motion and locomotion

  • Conduct investigations on ways to increase the efficiency of machines (example: hand water pump or other human-powered machines)
  • Design a machine and explain how the principles of motion are applied




Students will explain ways that technology has influenced the quality of life

  • Design and conduct investigations in how technology is used to support or replace body functions for the handicapped
  • Design and conduct investigations into how human settlements are managed
  • Design a human settlement in a specific environment (example: desert, tropics)
  • Design and conduct investigations on how food production is managed
  • Design and conduct investigations into personal life style management
  • Investigate methods used to manage disease

Students will understand factors that control population growth in the world

  • Design an investigation to explore how diversity is maintained within an ecosystem
  • Analyze factors that increase or decrease population growth
  • Analyze the benefits of the maintenance of diversity in an ecosystem
  • Investigate the role of man in maintaining diversity and causing extinction of organisms





Students will understand the importance of natural resources

  • Investigate how natural resources are used in the immediate community
  • Investigate the role of technology in managing natural resources
  • Explain types of technology used for predicting natural phenomena

Students will investigate international efforts to explore the earth and space

  • Design an extraterrestrial habitat or research facility
  • Investigate the history of space technology and predict the future
  • Compare the costs-benefits of the space program (example: manned vs. unmanned exploration)
  • Investigate the problems and limitations of space flight





Students will demonstrate abilities in technological design

  • Design and construct a simple technological device to monitor environmental conditions (examples: seismograph, weather instruments, water filters, optical instruments)
  • Determine the effectiveness of the device
  • Design and conduct an investigation to determine the quality of a commercial product (examples: can openers, sport shoes, bicycles)

Students will understand about science and technology

  • Determine how science and technology are interrelated
  • Compare the intended benefits and unintended consequences of a technology
  • Explain constraints in technological designs (examples: strength of materials, costs, size factors, safety factors, availability of materials, aesthetics)





Students will practice safety

  • Demonstrate personal and group safety when engaged in science activities
  • Analyze the use of personal safety devices (examples: hearing protectors, sun glasses, UV filters)

Students will understand conflicts between personal and social needs

  • Design and conduct investigations that illustrate trade offs related to the management of natural resources
  • Investigate the management of domestic resources (examples: crops, cattle)
  • Explain how technology creates new jobs and makes other jobs obsolete and predict which jobs are likely to disappear or appear in the future.



Students will investigate science and technology as a human endeavor

  • Determine conditions for effective team collaborations
  • Identify human qualities associated with successful work in science and technology
  • Explain the evolution of a technology
  • Research a selected scientific career (examples: costs, required professional preparation, job availabilities)

Students will explain the nature of science and technology

  • Describe examples from current events where scientists disagree about scientific evidences, theories, and interpretations
  • Analyze criteria used by scientists to evaluate new technologies

Students will understand important historical events of science and technology

  • Investigate how scientific and technological advances have made long lasting contributions to society (examples: lasers, medical devices, types of new materials)
  • Point out specific situations where science and technological advances have changed society
  • Describe ways in which science and technology have been influenced by society (examples: fads, weight loss devices)