First of all..what the feats do:
Alertness: +2 to awareness checks
Ambidexterity: Use both hands equally well
Blind-Fight: Fight better in darkness
Combat Casting: Can cast spells while keeping on the defensive
Combat Reflexes: Extra attacks for attacks of oppurtunity
Dodge: -1 AC vs. Chosen Enemy
Mobility: -4 AC vs. attacks of oppurtunity caused by leaving or entering a a threatened area
Spring Attack: Can move, attack, and move again, does not provoke attack of oppurtunity
Endurance: -4 to checks of physical actions that occur over long period
Expertise: You can take a penalty to your attack roll to improve your AC
Improved Disarm: You know how to disarm opponents
Improved Trip: You are trained in tripping and in following through with an attack
Whirlwind Attack: Spinning attack hits all nearby
Great Fortitude: +2 to all fort saving throws
Improved Critical: Increases your Critical attack range (crit on a 19 and 20 now)
Improved Initiative: +4 to initiative
Improved Unarmed Strike: Skilled in fighting with no weapons (d6 each hit)
Deflect Arrows: Catch missles fired at you
Stunning Fist: Stuns opponent, if they fail to save vs. stun
Iron Will: +2 to will saving throws
Lightning Reflexes: +2 to Reflex Saving throws
Mounted Combat: Skilled in Mounted Combat
Mounted Archery: Skilled at firing bows from Mounted Position
Trample: Can Use your mount to knock down opponents
Ride-By Attack: Skilled at attacking an opponent as you ride past
Spirited Charge: Trained at making a devastating mounted charge
Point Blank Shot: +1 To attack rolls at close range with ranged weapons
Far Shot: Greater Distances from ranged weapons
Precise Shot: Ability to aim and target opponents better
Rapid Shot: you can use ranged weapons with exceptional speed
Shot on the Run: Move before and after a ranged attack
Power Attack: Can Subract some from your to hit roll and add to your damage roll
Cleave: Get an immediate extra attack after felling a creature(once per round)
Improved Bull Rush: Can Charge Opponents Without provoking attacks of oppurtunity
Sunder: You are skilled at attacking and breaking the weapons of other creatures
Great Cleave: Like cleave, but can be used infinite times
Run: You can run with great speed
Spell Focus: +2 to DC's of all spells of a particular school
Spell Penetration: You can break spell resistance more easily
Toughness: You Gain +3 Hit points
Track: You can follow the trails of creatures
Two-Weapon Fighting: You can fight better with two weapons
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting:You are an expert in fighting with two weapons
Weapon Finesse: You can use your dex modifyer instead of your strength modifyer for attacks with one weapon; only adds to-hit though not damage
Weapon Focus: +1 to all to hit rolls with chosen weapon
Requirments for Feats:
Alertness -
Ambidexterity Dex 15+
Blind-Fight -
Combat Casting -
Combat Reflexes -
Dodge Dex 13+
Mobility Dex 13+, Dodge
Spring Attack Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility
Endurance -
Expertise Int 13+
Improved Disarm Int 13+, Expertise
Improved Trip Int 13+, Expertise
Whirlwind Attack Int 13+, Expertise, Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Spring attack
Great Fortitude -
Improved Critical -
Improved Initiative -
Improved Unarmed Strike -
Deflect Arrows Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Wis 13+
Iron Will -
Lightning reflexes -
Mounted Combat -
Mounted Archery Mounted Combat
Trample Mounted Combat
Ride-By Attack Mounted Combat
Spirited Charge Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack
Point Blank Shot -
Far Shot Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot Point Blank Shot, Dex 13+
Shot on the Run Point Blank Shot, Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility
Power Attack Str 13+
Cleave Str 13+, Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush Str 13+, Power Attack
Sunder Str 13+, Power Attack
Great Cleave Str 13+, Power Attack, Cleave
Run -
Spell Focus -
Spell Penetration -
Toughness -
Track -
Two-Weapon Fighting -
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Two Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity
Weapon Finesse -
Weapon Focus -
There are three kinds of saving throws and they are..
Fortitude or Fort: These Saving Throws deal with physically resisting an attack through strength of body or endurance. Examples: Poison, Contagion, Disease
Reflex or Ref: These Saving Throws deal with dexterity: leaping out of the way, ducking behind cover, or leaping over a spells effect. Examples: Lightning Bolt, Fireball, Cone of Cold.
Will: These saving throws deal with the mind and determination: Adamantly Opposing a Mental
Force. Examples: Charm Person, Cause Fear, Command.
These state your base saving throws, to find the final ones, you'll need to do some minor calculation:
Fort= (base)+(constitution modifier) = (final)
Ref= (base)+(dexterity modifier) = (final)
Will= (base)+(wisdom modifier) = (final)
15: +1
16: +2
17: +3
18: +4
Example: A long time ago I, Sailor Saturn, wanted to make a area effect spell that didn't hurt my allies, so I forked over 3000 yen to make a level 3 spell. names Silent Destruction. I made it xd5 where X = my level. Then I had to get it apporved by three people and I did. Then i rolled a d100 to see if I got it which I needed 85% and the spell passed.