Feats, Saving Throws, and Custom Spells


First of all..what the feats do:

Alertness: +2 to awareness checks
Ambidexterity: Use both hands equally well
Blind-Fight: Fight better in darkness
Combat Casting: Can cast spells while keeping on the defensive
Combat Reflexes: Extra attacks for attacks of oppurtunity
Dodge: -1 AC vs. Chosen Enemy
Mobility: -4 AC vs. attacks of oppurtunity caused by leaving or entering a a threatened area
Spring Attack: Can move, attack, and move again, does not provoke attack of oppurtunity
Endurance: -4 to checks of physical actions that occur over long period
Expertise: You can take a penalty to your attack roll to improve your AC
Improved Disarm: You know how to disarm opponents
Improved Trip: You are trained in tripping and in following through with an attack
Whirlwind Attack: Spinning attack hits all nearby
Great Fortitude: +2 to all fort saving throws
Improved Critical: Increases your Critical attack range (crit on a 19 and 20 now)
Improved Initiative: +4 to initiative
Improved Unarmed Strike: Skilled in fighting with no weapons (d6 each hit)
Deflect Arrows: Catch missles fired at you
Stunning Fist: Stuns opponent, if they fail to save vs. stun
Iron Will: +2 to will saving throws
Lightning Reflexes: +2 to Reflex Saving throws
Mounted Combat: Skilled in Mounted Combat
Mounted Archery: Skilled at firing bows from Mounted Position
Trample: Can Use your mount to knock down opponents
Ride-By Attack: Skilled at attacking an opponent as you ride past
Spirited Charge: Trained at making a devastating mounted charge
Point Blank Shot: +1 To attack rolls at close range with ranged weapons
Far Shot: Greater Distances from ranged weapons
Precise Shot: Ability to aim and target opponents better
Rapid Shot: you can use ranged weapons with exceptional speed
Shot on the Run: Move before and after a ranged attack
Power Attack: Can Subract some from your to hit roll and add to your damage roll
Cleave: Get an immediate extra attack after felling a creature(once per round)
Improved Bull Rush: Can Charge Opponents Without provoking attacks of oppurtunity
Sunder: You are skilled at attacking and breaking the weapons of other creatures
Great Cleave: Like cleave, but can be used infinite times
Run: You can run with great speed
Spell Focus: +2 to DC's of all spells of a particular school
Spell Penetration: You can break spell resistance more easily
Toughness: You Gain +3 Hit points
Track: You can follow the trails of creatures
Two-Weapon Fighting: You can fight better with two weapons
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting:You are an expert in fighting with two weapons
Weapon Finesse: You can use your dex modifyer instead of your strength modifyer for attacks with one weapon; only adds to-hit though not damage
Weapon Focus: +1 to all to hit rolls with chosen weapon

Requirments for Feats:

Alertness -
Ambidexterity Dex 15+
Blind-Fight -
Combat Casting -
Combat Reflexes -
Dodge Dex 13+
Mobility Dex 13+, Dodge
Spring Attack Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility
Endurance -
Expertise Int 13+
Improved Disarm Int 13+, Expertise
Improved Trip Int 13+, Expertise
Whirlwind Attack Int 13+, Expertise, Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Spring attack
Great Fortitude -
Improved Critical -
Improved Initiative -
Improved Unarmed Strike -
Deflect Arrows Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Wis 13+
Iron Will -
Lightning reflexes -
Mounted Combat -
Mounted Archery Mounted Combat
Trample Mounted Combat
Ride-By Attack Mounted Combat
Spirited Charge Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack
Point Blank Shot -
Far Shot Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot Point Blank Shot, Dex 13+
Shot on the Run Point Blank Shot, Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility
Power Attack Str 13+
Cleave Str 13+, Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush Str 13+, Power Attack
Sunder Str 13+, Power Attack
Great Cleave Str 13+, Power Attack, Cleave
Run -
Spell Focus -
Spell Penetration -
Toughness -
Track -
Two-Weapon Fighting -
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Two Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity
Weapon Finesse -
Weapon Focus -

Senshi Level And Number of Feats


Saving Throws

There are three kinds of saving throws and they are..

Fortitude or Fort: These Saving Throws deal with physically resisting an attack through strength of body or endurance. Examples: Poison, Contagion, Disease

Reflex or Ref: These Saving Throws deal with dexterity: leaping out of the way, ducking behind cover, or leaping over a spells effect. Examples: Lightning Bolt, Fireball, Cone of Cold.

Will: These saving throws deal with the mind and determination: Adamantly Opposing a Mental Force. Examples: Charm Person, Cause Fear, Command.

How to Figure out Saving Throws
Base Saving Throw
Senshi Level: Fort Ref Will
1 +2 +2 +2
2 +3 +3 +3
3 +3 +3 +3
4 +4 +4 +4
5 +4 +4 +4
6 +5 +5 +5
7 +5 +5 +5
8 +6 +6 +6
9 +6 +6 +6
10 +7 +7 +7
11 +7 +7 +7
12 +8 +8 +8
13 +8 +8 +8

These state your base saving throws, to find the final ones, you'll need to do some minor calculation:

Fort= (base)+(constitution modifier) = (final)
Ref= (base)+(dexterity modifier) = (final)
Will= (base)+(wisdom modifier) = (final)

15: +1
16: +2
17: +3
18: +4

Custom Spells

Custom Spells can be made at any time that you wish, but you need a certain amout of yen. Its 1000 yen per level. And you can add 500 yen (as many times as you want) to boost up the learning percentage. But it can't go past 99%.

Example: A long time ago I, Sailor Saturn, wanted to make a area effect spell that didn't hurt my allies, so I forked over 3000 yen to make a level 3 spell. names Silent Destruction. I made it xd5 where X = my level. Then I had to get it apporved by three people and I did. Then i rolled a d100 to see if I got it which I needed 85% and the spell passed.