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Watch Me Grow!

On this page Mommy will post new pictures and tell about the milestones that I hit each month.

Check back often!



October 5, 2002



Birth Statistics

October 5, 2002

4:29 PM

7 pounds 5.2 ounces

21 inches


Read my birthstory here.


One Month (November 5, 2002)


Look at me! One of the nice ladies daddy works with made me this soft blankie.

I don’t go to the doctor again until I’m 2 months old, so mommy doesn’t know how big I am, but she says I’m growing like a weed. I’m eating every 3-4 hours and starting to sleep longer at night. I can also lift my head and chest up off the floor when mommy puts me down for tummy time, and I’m trying my hardest to roll over. I’ve also started to try to catch the flutterfly that hangs on my bouncy seat.


6 Weeks

I have my first cold :(



8 weeks


I got weighed at the doctor on November 27.

I weigh 12 pounds 5 ounces now and I’m about 23" long.

I love snuggling with mommy in my sling!




Almost Two Months (December 2, 2002)


Mommy says I’m getting chubby

Gramma says I’m just a healthy boy J




Two Month Physical

December 11, 2002

13# even, 23 inches

Doctor says I have an ear infection,

but it’s not bugging me a bit!




Ten Weeks (December 15, 2002)



I smile all the time now!

Daddy even caught me with the camera (aren’t I cute?)




Christmas 2002



Mommy took us to see Santa. Soon as the flashy thing

went off I told her to PICK ME UP now!



Three Months


Why does mommy always stick that camera in my face?


I can hold my torso up off the floor when I’m down on my tummy,

And I’m trying to roll over.

I sleep 6-hour stretches at night, too! (Mommy thinks that’s the greatest)



Three Months and three days

I did it! I rolled over off my tummy onto my back in pursuit of the bumblybee that

hangs from my Gymini! Looks out world!



Four Months


Mommy loves lighthouses!

My nautical outfit was perfect with the blanket we got her for Christmas –

It’s SOOOO soft!



Five Months



This is my buddy Joe-fish (right). He’s about 3 weeks younger than I am.

Our mommies took us to a playdate and we had a blast talking to each other!




Five and a Half Months



I got sooo tired playing with my friends on my gym – just had to take a little snooze.



Six Months


 I got my first professional picture taken!

I’m cute and I know it!



Almost Nine Months



 I’m not supposed to be standing like this yet?

Nobody told ME that! This toy is very cool!

I’m too busy to look at the silly old camera.


I’ve been going to Physical Therapy to help my feet for almost
three months – and my Therapist thinks I’m doing great!


If you don’t know what’s wrong with my feet – look here: My feet




August 5, 2003

(10 months)



My cousin Rain came to visit - he was born

January 10, 2003 but is almost as big as me!



Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm ONE now!


I'm cruising and standing by myself, and have even started taking steps!

I only have to go to Physical Therapy for checkups every couple of months now - my

Therapist says I graduated (whatever that means)!


Here are more pictures from my birthday party.


I went to the doctor today (10/6/03).

At One Year, my stats are:

Weight: 24# 2oz

Height: 31 inches

Head Circ: 19 inches


Guess I grew a little?




14 Months (12/3/03)

This is one of Mommy’s favorite outfits!

I’m toddling now – 2-3 steps here and there, but crawling is still faster in my opinion. Though that kitty is sure tempting – I took 8 steps trying to catch her!


  Mommy’s CPS friends – click here: wmg-carseat.htm


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