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Prom 2003

These are picy-doos from Rogers High Prom 2003. (Obviously Holly's junior prom, since I graduated in 2001.) By the way... I fun time was had by all. (Special thanks to Hofstra for making that shout-out to Bill Blanski) LMAO!!!

This is Bill, Kacey, Holly & Me at Kacey's house pre-prom.

This is Rick, Ammie (However you spell it, can't be simple and spell it Amy can we), Bill, Kacey, Holly, Myself, Roxanne, & Mike still at Kacey's house, pre-prom.

This is Sara (Noobie), Adam, Kacey, Bill, Holly, & Me at the Hunan Resturant. It's where we ate before prom. Quite tasty, excellent dinner conversation. lol.

This is Mrs. Nichols (The Choir teacher) & Holly right after we arrived at the dance.

This is our other friend Sarah with Holly

This is Ben, Erica & Holly... gee Erica... sure smells like white people doesn't it. =^)

This is all my friends that are graduated that still got suckered into going to prom. Don't worry, we're only pretending to be disgruntled... i think. ;^D

This is... from left to right... Me, Jocko, Noobie, Adam, Amie, Rick, Roxie, Mike & Sarah at the table we took over.

This is Jason (looking like Neo), Adam and I looking like Gangsters (Me looking like a much cooler gangster I might add), and.... um..... Bill looking like.... well.... Bill.

Ok... Holy crap theres alot of people in this picture... all right. *Takes deep breathe* Mike, Bill, Erica, Kacey, Helen, Roxie, Jessica, Holly, Me, Rick, Amie, Noobie, Sarah, Adam, Jocko. Whew, that was alot of work! =^D

That should be it for prom pictures.