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Binder Park Zoo Trip (Film roll 1)

These pictures are from the first roll of film me, Holly, and Sara took at the Binder Park Zoo when we went (July 12th, 2003).

Here's an Emu... exciting, right? =^)

Here's a Snow Leopard... he was sleepy.

Here's a peacock and some cute little peacock babies

Here's Holly with a wallaby, but you can't really see the wallaby in this pic

This is Holly and Noobie coming out of the "Naked Mole Rat Maze", I was nice and labeled them for you. After exiting said maze they were "officially" naked mole rat.

Holly and Noobie obviously... Noobie looks kinda scary in this pic. =^)

This is Holly and Noobie on a sculpture of a turtle

There will be more Zoo pictures to come, but I can't get the next camera developed untill I finish taking all the pictures... they'll either be here or most likely in their own section just for your convenience.