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Gimli Rulez Gimli is one of my fave characters! He is short but doesn't let his size get in the way of being who he really is and being a killing machine! He is fiesty and dislikes the elves very much! ^_^;; When he has to go on a quest with a beautiful elf it seems he wanted to kill him and eat him later, but they got along after a while and ended up being really good friends! Sailing off to the undying lands together! He's ferocious, and eager for battle all the time! And also very comical. Skilled with an axe!

Here's some additional info on Gimli:

Son of Glóin, he travelled from Rivendell with the Company of the Ring. After the breaking of the Fellowship at Parth Galen, he hunted Orcs across Rohan with Aragorn and Legolas. He fought at the Battle of the Hornburg, and at the Pelennor Fields. He is famed for his fast friendship with Legolas the Elf; some stories say that they sailed into the West together - if this is true, then Gimli was the first and only of dwarven-kind to come to the Undying Lands.

Thanx ARDA for all the Gimli info!

