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Patriotic Flag Ceremony

Patriotism engulfs the arena when Blazing Saddles

perform their breathtaking flag ceremony. While

displaying a variety of flags from horseback, our

nation is honored with a union of routines and

digitally coordinated music paying tribute to Old

Glory, the military of the United States, and

victims and heros of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

A Pair of flags of the State of Michigan stand

ready from horseback to honor and defend our

nation's precious symbol of freedom.

While approximately 15 minutes in duration, every

minute is devoted to stirring the sense of pride

and patriotism in every spectator.

This presentation has touched many hearts and

received overwhelming praise when performed!

Scroll down to view comments on the Patriotic Flag Ceremony!

Name: Maj. Thomas McCrew

Location: Michigan


Wow, I am still reeling from remembering the 3,000

pairs of eyes filled with tears of pride. My eyes

were not only filled but overflowing. I have never

been so proud to be retired military. I have never

been so proud to be from this wonderful land of

the free and home of the brave. You ladies

inspired so many people. You are what America is

all about. Pride and Patriotism. Good job, great

job. Thank you for memories that will not soon be

forgotten. God bless you and God bless America!

Name: Marilee Williams

Location: Washington State


Our group saw your performance at the Stallion

Expo this past weekend. I can't stop thinking

about it! I have never been so proud to be an

American! The entire crowd was touched by your

beautiful display of patriotism. Your costumes are

a work of art. Thank you for such a heart stirring

performance. I will not ever forget the warmth in

my heart from you!

Name: Rachael

Location: Michigan


I wanted to express my gratitude to you for the

wonderful performances at the Stallion Exposition

last weekend. You really are star spangled and

quite impressive! The warm feeling inside comes

back every time I think about it. When I see our

flag flying I think about your reading those words

to the national anthem and I get all teary eyed

again. Thank you for reminding me how truly

fortunate we are to live in this great country.

You are beautiful in your presentations. Your

outfits are breathtaking. Thank you.