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Penrickton Center for Blind Children

Blazing Saddles is proud to support The Penrickton Center for Blind Children in Taylor, Michigan.

These ladies ride that a blind child may see through the eyes of a horse.

Penrickton Center for Blind Children is a unique,

private non-profit agency, providing five-day

residential, day care, and consultation/evaluation

services to blind, multi-disabled children ages

one through twelve. Each program is individually

designed to promote independence in all aspects of

daily living. Penrickton Center utilizes its

experience and expertise to train and serve

families, children and professionals through

support services, education and advocacy.

Blazing Saddles had the honor to attend the

annual "Welcome to Spring Picnic and Open House"

at Penrickton Center. Smiles and giggles filled

the air when the children rode the horses.What a

blessing for us all!

Please click on the link below to learn more about this truly remarkable center.