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" The truth is much more fragile than the fiction
The reason alone cannot protect it."


The son of a bitch who is climbing this monumental staircase is not Charlie Chaplin


18000 According to chinese tradition, Pangu creates the world before God
5000 Bronze Age in Egypt
4026 Creation of Adam, first man (according to the Bible)
3896 First murder of a long history (according to the Bible): Cain slays his brother Abel
3000 Beginning of the era of the Pyramids in Egypt
2970 Birth of Noah
2738 Reign of the Pharao Pepi II (94 years)
2500 Rise to power of the Sumerian civ ilization
2500 Foundation of the city of Troy
2468 Birth of Shem, son of Noah, ancestor of the Semitic people
2370 Flood in Mesopotamia
2369 Creation of the Covenant between God and His people
2250 The Hittites colonize Anatolia
2239 Erection of the tower of Babel (Babylon)
2018 Birth of Abraham
1943 Abraham leaves Mesopotamia and pushes its people towards Canaan
1919 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
1843 Death of Abraham
1800 The Hyksos, asian nomadic people, climb on the throne of Egypt
1790 Hammurabi, King of Babylon, conquers Summer
1760 Foundation of the Shang dynasty (also called the Yin dynasty in its later stages)
1750 Joseph sold like a slave in Egypt by his brothers
1737 Joseph becomes Prime Minister in Egypt
1728 Joseph and his tribe enter Egypt
1716 Rise to power of Assyria with King Shamshi-Adad II
1650 Beginning of the slavery of the Jews in Egypt
1600 Egypt is the first world power. It dominates Palestine and Syria
1553 Birth of Moses
1513 Moses guides its people out of Egypt and begins the writing of the Pentateuch in the desert
1501 Rise on the throne of Egypt of Queen Hatshepsut
1473 Death of Moses and entry of the Hebrews in the Promised Land (Canaan) under the command of Joshua
1461 Bura-Bushia becomes King of Babylon
1433 Death of Joshua and end of the writing of the Book of Joshua
1380 Ikhenaton becomes Pharaon (Amenhote p IV) and establishes the first monotheist religion (worship of Aton)
1360 Tutenkhamon becomes Pharao
1304 Ramses II becomes Pharao
1225 End of the Hittite civilization
1204 Ramses III becomes Pharao
1200 The Hebrews conquer the land of Canaan
1025 Saul becomes King of Israel
1010 David the slayer of Goliath becomes King of Judah at Hebron and the Ark of the Covenant is brought to Jerusalem
1000 Golden age of the Phoenician civilization in the Mediterranean
1000 Beginning of Greek colonization in Minor Asia
974 Solomon succeeds to David and begins the construction of the Temple
937 Jewish Schism: separation of the kingdom between Israel and Judah
884 Ashurnasirpal II becomes King of Assyria
753 Foundation of Rome
754 Hezekiah becomes King of the Jews
732 Assyria conquers Damas and Samaria
717 Historical Defeat of the Egyptians at the battle of Carchemish by the Assyrians
669 Ashurbanipal III Sardanapale becomes King of Assyria
647 Beginning of the prophecies of Jeremiah
612 Fall of Ninive and end of Assyria
609 Necho II becomes Pharao of Egypt and starts the hellenisation of the country
605 Nabuchodonozor becomes King of Babylon
597 Nabuchodonozor destroys Jerusalem and the temple of Solomon. Deportation of the Jews to Babylon
570 Croesus becomes King of Lydia
568 Nabuchodonozor II invades Egypt
555 Cyrus I, King of the Medes and the Persians
551 Birth of Confucius (551-479 B.C.), also called Kong Zi or Master Kong
543 Beginning of the Buddah era in the East
539 Cyrus invades Babylon and creates the Persian empire
537 Cyrus makes it possible to the Jews to re-enter Palestine
525 The Persians invade Egypt
521 Darius I becomes King of Persia
520 Beginning of the rebuilding of the temple of Jerusalem
490 Darius is beaten at Marathon by the Greeks
468 Ezra goes back to Jerusalem, the 7th year of the reign of Artaxerxes I of Persia
334 Alexander the Great enters Jerusalem
332 Alexander conquers Egypt
331 Alexander invades Babylon
320 Judah is controlled by the Ptolemees
280 Beginning of the reign of the Ptolemies in Egypt
280 Beginning of the translation of the Bible in Greek (Septuagint)
270 First Punic War between Rome and Carthage
221 Beginning of the imperial Qin or Ch'in dynasty in China
105 Caesar conquers Gaule and England
63 Rome conquers Jerusalem
60 Antipatre controls Judah
48 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt
37 Herode is named King of Judah by the Romans
17 Herod starts again the construction of the Temple
2 Birth of John the Baptist and Jesus


12 Jesus travels to India and Tibet
29 Beginning of the preaching of John and of the ministry of Jesus
33 Death sentence of Jesus
36 Conversion of Paul
41 Beginning of the Gospel by Matthew
42 Beginning of the missions of
Paul in minor Asia
45 The Jews are expelled from Rome by Claudius
70 Revolt of the Jews, the Romans destroy Jerusalem and the Temple
96 Reign of Trajan
100 Death of John, the last of the apostles
117 Reign of Adrian, second revolt of the Jews (135), second destruction of the Temple and beginning of the Diaspora which will last until in 1948 AD
313 Constantin signs the Edict of Milan which grants to Christians the freedom of worship
325 Constantin convenes the council of Nicaea, to fight Arianism. Beginning of official Christianity
330 Constantin decides that Byzance becomes Constantinople, seat of the Roman Empire
395 The Roman empire is divided between the East which goes to Arcadius and the West to Honorius
476 Fall of Rome which go to the hands of Odoacer German mercenary who becomes King of Italy
637 Beginning of the conquest of Mesopotamia by the Arabs, from Arabia
622 Flee of Muhammad towards Medina. The Hegira begins
656 Beginning of Islamic schism " Al fitna Al will kubra " (the Great Ordeal) between Sunnites and Chiites after the death of Ali, cousin of the prophet of Islam
732 Victory of Poitiers over the Arabs ensures the survival of Christendom in Europe
800 Carolus Magnus is crowned, by the pope Leon III, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
820 Abu Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi, develops the algebraical expressions, in particular invents the zero. Other Arab thinkers
1054 Christian schism between the Greek Church and the Roman Church
1095 Call of Urbain II from Clermont : first Crusade
1232 Inquisition : the pope Gregory X institutes an ecclesiatic jurisdiction in all Christendom, for the crimes of heresy and apostasy
1248 Beginning of the Crusade against the Albigenses in the South of France
1368 Foundation of the chinese Ming dynasty by a Han Chinese peasant and former Buddhist monk turned rebel army leader
1378 John Wyclif, theologist of the Reform, translates the Vulgate (Bible of Saint Jerome) into English
1379 Pope Clement VII leaves Rome and sets out again for Avignon
1397 Publication of a Royal decree in France against the Blasphemers
1453 Fall of Constantinople conquered by the Ottomans
1516 Erasmus publishes the New Testament in Greek with a Latin version
1517 Martin Luther publishes his 95 Thesis in Wittenberg
1534 Luther publishes his translation of the German Bible
1531 Henry VIII imposes the supervision of the monarchy upon the Church, birth of Anglicanism
1587 Establishment of the Orthodox Russian Church
1750 Baal Shem Tov sets the Jewish movement of the Hassidims in the Carpates
1763 The United Kingdom is the first world power
1775 Independence of the United States
1789 Beginning of the Revolution in France
1792 Abolition of the monarchy in France
1815 Battle of Waterloo, end of the Napoleonic Wars
1842 The Treaty of Nanjing ends the Opium War between Britain and China
1851 Beginning of the Taiping rebellion in China that will cause the death of 20 millions people
1870 Establishment of the Witnesses of Jehovah in the United States
1914 Beginning of World War I
1917 The Balfour Declaration poses the principle of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people
1918 End of the Ottoman empire
1919 American Jews oppose the idea of a national home for the Jews in Palestine
1933 Rise to power of Adolf Hitler and expansion of Nazism A full chronology
1939 Beginning of World War II
1942 Mgr Berning, bishop of Osnabrück, denounces "the complete extermination of the Jews".
1942 Pius XII publishes the Encyclical Mystici Corporis Christi (29/06/43) which makes silence on the Holocaust
1947 Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
1948 Controversial birth of the State of Israel
1967 Birth of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
1969 NASA sends an inhabited spacecraft on the moon
2000 The Vatican denies to the Committee of Jewish and Christians researchers access to the files of the Holocaust
2001 A commando of fanatic muslim hijackers smash 3 airliners against the WTC and the Pentagon killing about 5000 innocent people

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