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About Me
Updated Last: Tuesday, September 9, 2003

Hehe....I have a cool dog and his name is rocky!!! I'm boring. lol..i'm 6'2, 180 pounds, blue eyes, umm now how do i say this? blonde hair on top and brown around the sides?? lmao...okay well anyways, I like hanging out at the mall w/ my friends. Actually not the mall, that is soo boring. I like driving around and lol just tonight I went and got ice cream with Brad, Allison, and kt!! Okayz...

(*This was done on Feb. 23..but I update it once in a while)
1.)What is your full name? (I'm not suppose to say this on the internet, but my name is) Brian, but my initials are BRB (be right back lmao)
2.)When is your birthday? June 12
3.)What is your sign? Gemini
4.)Where do you work? McDonalds since September 24, 2002
5.)Where are you from?  Battle Creek, Michigan(close enough)
6.)How old are you? 17
7.)What kind of vehicle do you drive? 1994 Dodge Carivan (which is worth 2,500 and I got it for 950)
8.)Do you have any brothers or sisters? 1 brother (Lee, 19)
9.)Do you have any pets? 3 Dogs (Rocky,Sheba,Oakley) 2 Cats (Baby,White Sox)
10.)Where do you attend school? a Junior at AHS


1.)Are you currently dating anyone? Yep, KIMMI!!! snce August 8, 2003!
2.)Are you interested in anyone? Just Kim
3.)Ever thought about marriage? Yep
4.)What is the perfect wedding to you? BLAH
5.)What do you enjoy doing most with a person of the opposite sex? Hanging, going to the mall, spending a wonderful time together hehe.
6.)Where do you enjoy going on a date? anywherez she wantz to go hehe.


1.)Color? Red
2.)Food? Spagetti
3.)Place to go? Don't have a favorite place to go that I can think of right now.
4.)Alcoholic Beverage? Wine Coolers lol
5.)Beverage? Wild Cherry Pepsi/Cherry Coke or Orange Juice
6.)Time of year?: Spring(not too hot, not too cold)
7.)Place to eat? Pizza Hut or Falazolies or even now Taco Bell
8.)Holiday? Christmas
9.)Game? I like UNO and Hide and seak and truth or dare
10.)Movie? the HULK, The Hot Chick and Joy Ride and Ghost Ship too lol but me and tom went with kt and allison to see Finding Nemo..lmao..ok fine it was good..i cried during it..lmao....who cares about that!!!??? not me! that week was horrible :-( but it's over now!
11.)What is your favorite song? "Headstrong" By Trapt, "St. Anger" by Matelica, & "Everybody's Fool" by Evanescene, but my all time favorite is "If your not the one" by Daniel Beddingfield, cuz it is mine and Kimmiz song! YAY!
12.)Who is your favorite actor/actress? Actor- either Jim Carey Actress- Jenifer Lopez..lmao i haven't a clue about actors and actresses...The Rock is a good actor! hahaha with his new movie coming out called The Rundown and it looks so halarious!
13.)What is your favorite thing to do when you are bored? get online, but if im bored online then watch TV, but if im bored watchin TV then well i have ideas
14.)Favorite Store? I don't know
15.)What is your favorite TV Show? WWE RAW and Degrassi
16.)WWE Superstar? "The Game" TRiple H & "The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar<---neva changes!
17.)WWE Diva? Trish Stratus


1.)Who is your best friend? Use to be Aaron, but I haven't talked to him in like 2 months i think
2.)Who is your craziest friend? Dhar
3.)Which one of your friends would do anything for you? Kimmi
4.)Who do you talk to the most? Kimmi
5.)Who do you talk to the most on the net? Kimmi
6.)Most memorable moment with friends? Playing Truth Or Dare <--recording it and skipping school and going around town with Tom, Jake, and myself, sooo much fun! we went swimming 2 times in 2 different hotels. we got kicked out of 3 places. umm Tom and Jake stole some stuff...Tom gave me this hat he's a cool Nike hat!!!
7.)Who do you miss hanging out with that you used to? Tara
8.)Who annoys you most out of your friends? Dhar, well he use to, but now i barely see him, just at lunch lol
9.)Who do you share the most memories with? ummm i dunno anymore
10.)What one person would you choose to spend a day with again? Again? or just to spend a day with? lol...i dunno lotz?


1.)What kind of Deodorant do you wear? Speed Stick
2.)What kind of Shampoo do you use? Suave and Bod
3.)What kind of soap do you use? I dunno wut it's called!
4.)What kind of Toothpaste? Crest
5.)What cologne or perfume do you wear? BOD

***************Right Now**********

1.)What color are your underwear? grey
2.)What do you have on right now? My }{ }{ }{ t-shirt and black shorts.
3.)What Cologne do you have on? none
4.)What is the last thing you ate? Pizza
5.)Drinking anything? Mt. Dew
7.)What is the last thing you said? i love kimmi
9.)What is the last thing you did? answered question 7.
10.)What time is it? 7:05pm
11.)What is the date? Tuesday, September 9, 2003

******************This or That*********

1.)coke or Pepsi? pepsi
2.)Kiss or hug?  kiss
3.)Cheddar or Swiss? cheddar
4.)MSN or Yahoo? Yahoo
5.)Phone or Email? email
6.)Lemon or Lime? Lime
7.)Healthy or Unhealthy? Healthy
8.)Walk or Run? Run
9.)Cat or Dog? Dog
>10.)DVD or VHS? VHS, well i got DVD's too but still VHS
11.)Florida or California? Florida
12.)Highschool or College? high school, cuz i didnt go to college yet.
13.)Cold or hot? Hot
14.)Drunk or Sober? sober
15.)Bath or Shower? Bath

****************Your Almost done***********

1.)Did you enjoy this survey? Yup, It Was Fun!
2.)What time is it now? 7:06pm 3.)Are you bored with this yet? Nope..I want more!
4.)Are you going to send it out? Already did like a on Febuary 23rd and I just updated this.
5.)Who will send it back? alot of ppl did

*If any of you want to you can copy this and then do it for yourself and send it out to!*