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Have you ever thought what
it is to be a gardener?

First, he has to find the
right soil for each individual
plant, as they each have their
own special needs. Then, he has
to prepare and cultivate the land.

Next, he plants the seeds, all
the while paying close attention
to each ones individual needs.

Is there to little or to much water?
Is there to much or to little sun
or shade?

During this time, the gardener
needs a lot of patience.

Then one day, the seeds begin
to sprout. The gardener is
joyful~yet still cautious for
he knows that his work isn't

For next come the weeds and the
They are capable of destroying
everything he has worked so hard
to create.

So, one by one he tries to
eliminate them, and often times
this must prove to be very weeds have a
tendency to repeatedly return.

But he doesn't give up, even
though there are many adversities
he must contend with.

Instead, he continues to give care
and encouragement to his garden.

People ask,"Why do you spend so
much time out in the hot sun,
tackling the ugly weeds and bugs?"

But the gardener just smiles and
softy says, "When I am finished
with my gardens, they are beautiful
and alive, and they will bring
joy to all who see them in all
their uniqueness...for each plant
has its own "specialty" about it."

I find you so like this gardener.

First, you listen to what I am
saying. Then you start to
cultivate me by preparing me
for some of the feelings I may
have to face during my healing

Next, you plant the seeds.
You give me, as an individual,
ideas on how to help me help myself.

You have the confidence that in
time, I will once again see
daylight and feel the warmth of
the sun.

But like the gardener, you know
your work isn't finished, because
you too, are fighting the weeds
and bugs of my past {and present}
that continue to crop up and
destroy all of your efforts.

But again, like the gardener,
you don't give up on me...even
when I begin to give up on myself

Instead, you continue with
your encouraging words and
strength of support, because
you believe you too, will have
satisfaction in helping someone
grow in their self-esteem,
their independence, and their

When people ask you, "Why do
you waste your time on someone
like her?" I see you like the
gardener who just softly smiles
and quietly says, "because when
I am finished, she will be
capable of bringing joy to
those who take the time to
see her uniqueness, for we
are all "special" in our own
way, and she is ALIVE!"

Written By:~Christie S. Hayes