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He used me,

I played his game.

He accused me,

I took the blame.

He abused me,

I hid the shame.

He said he was sorry,

over and over again.

But then once more

the cycle began.

Until one day, all black and blue,

I'd had enough...I was all through.

People ask, "What took so long

to finally walk away?"

They don't seem to understand,

I thought I had to stay.

All his threats were abundantly clear,

My days and nights were lived in fear.

Less than human, he made me feel.

All my self worth had been stripped away.

With time the bruises eventually healed,

But the scars he left are here to stay.

It's taken many years to realize this...

But maybe, just maybe, the biggest mistake was HIS.

Written By:~Christie S. Hayes

Credits: Graphic Design copyright
Image copyright pixman..