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People speak of being,
"green" with jealously,

"red" with anger,

and "yellow" cowards.

If you are depressed,
you are "blue"...

But what color is love?
Is there such a thing?

One can look through
rose-colored glasses,
but this is just a
state of denial...
only seeing what one
wants to see and not seeing
what is reality.

Where does friendship end
and love begin?

What's the definition of love?
Is there such a thing?
Is this just "friendship"
looking through rose-colored
glasses and seeing only
what one wants to see?

I don't think that love
is for me...I'll stick to
the "sure" thing called

At least, if you get hurt
from a friendship, it's a hurt
that will heal with time.

Hurt from "love" has a
tendency to destroy a person.
It crushes you and suffocates you.
You might heal, but not
without it leaving scars.

The scars are permanent.

I don't want anymore scars.

I don't want anymore pain.

Friends care about you
and want to spend time with you.
They talk with you
and laugh with you.
They share your tears.

Love however, absorbs all
your emotions like a sponge
and then splashes you
back in the face with them.

This is the slap in the face
that is unforgettable and
often times unforgivable.

This pain can consume you
to the inner depths of your being.

These are emotions that I
never want to deal with again.
maybe because I question if I
have any of these emotions left

Maybe it is because
I am afraid to find out.

Written By: Christie S. Hayes