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Others call me, Miz Cattitude
I don't understand, 'why'
They think it will hurt my feelings
Or maybe make me cry

But, I'm one tough feline
And I know just what I've got
They're just jealous
because they know I'm 'hot'

They envy so, this coat of mine
So shiny and so sleek
They only wish that they, themselves
Could look this smart and sleek

Every time I pass a mirror,
I turn this way and that
I struggle to tuck my tummy in
But I still need a corset.

I'll never let the others know
This lil 'secret' of mine
I'll just let them believe
My figure is just divine!

Miz Cattitude with an attitude
That's what I hear them say
Miz Cattitude with an attitude???
YES! And I plan to stay this way.

  By: Christie S. Hayes