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On December 22, 2005, my son gave me a most treasured dream puppy!
He was a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie). I named him "Little Sir Broderick", but called him "Brody" for short.
Brody was only 4 pounds 4 ounces when I got him! Such a tiny mite! He and Hydra (my sweet kitty cat) were such good pals. I am sad to say that my baby boy pup passed over to Doggie Heaven on February 6th 2008. He warmed me when I was cold, and snuggled with me when I was lonely. He brought many hours of laughter, as he was always up to something. Definitely child-like.

I wrote this little poem in memory of my sweet baby boy pup.


Such a tiny mite you were
When you first came to me,
You were so full of wonderment
That was plain to see.

So timid, yet so curious,
Of this new home you'd found
And all of it's surroundings
As you lept in leaps and bounds.

You loved your little teddy bear
I could see it in your eyes
He even went to bed with you
As he was just your size.

You'd curl up on your pillow
With Teddy by your side
And dream of things that you could do
When next you went outside.

It wasn't long til you grew up and
The cats became your choice of play
You'd taunt and tease as they did you,
Through out the night and day.

You gave so much love to me
And brought me so much joy!
How will I ever get over you..
My precious little puppy boy.

Written by: Christie S. Hayes
(February 6th, 2008)


Sweet Dreams My Dear Brody