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It was a cold blustery wind he rode in on,
Dressed in an elegant suit of white.
I'm not sure what time he got here
But it was some time late in the night.

It wasn't hard to see where he'd been
For he blanketed the ground with white cotton
And the trees were all sprinkled with glitter
No 'ere you looked, nare a spot he'd forgotten.

Old Man Winter brought two friends
that was obviously clear
One was his ole' pal Jack Frost
The other, Mother Nature, the dear.

They must have had a party
As they joined the Old Man in play
For Jack has frosted all the panes,
And Mother has asked the Old Man to stay.

Written By: Christie S. Hayes
Midi Playing: Snowy Morning Blues

Original artwork ©Michael Humphrie
Titled: Once Upon A Winters Night