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Who's there?

There are shadows lingering in
the darkness.
They are watching,
and choking me.
I can't breathe and without breath,
there is no life.

You've returned!!

Is there no end to you
and your destructiveness of me?

Wasn't once enough?
You attack again and again,
only to shatter the walls,
I had so meticulously built-
built around me to protect me
from you.
I had built them with every
fiber in my body, and
they were strong walls-
strong enough to keep you
in the shadow of my wings
for years.

But this time, you seem to
have permanently interrupted
my being.
You have destroyed everything
I was.
You expected me to think
your thoughts!
You stripped me of my masks.
With them, I could at least exist.
No one knew the terror
and the despair that
consumed my inner depths.
No one knew the guilt
and the shame that
racked my entire entity.
No one knew the hate
that has filled me to
compacity...hatred towards you
for what you did,
and hatred towards myself
for allowing you to have
total domination over me.

Now I feel so transparent.
Once Again, you have
put me on display...
the only difference is,
I am now on display for
my friends instead of yours,
and I am still defending my "SELF"
against you.

Yes! I have the right to
choose my direction, but is
one tunnel better than another?
They are ALL so dark
and no matter which one I choose,
you are always waiting at the end.

I have been told to release
my emotions.
I question, "What emotions?"
You have managed to strip me
of even that privilege.

What gives you the right
to invade my present??

Phantoms of the past,please
stop haunting me!

I am choking from your dust!!!

Written by: ~Christie S. Hayes