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Oh my darling, it is such a
cold blustery winter night.
I am shivering from the
drafty air that seeps through
this dear old rustic cabins
frame. Remember, when we
built it together? It was
to be just a starter home and
later become our little piece
of heaven here on earth.
And it did! How I love our
old get-away, so neatly nestled
between the pines and the
towering birch trees that
border the rivers bank.

In my minds eye, I still see
our children romping in the
snow, building their snowmen
and snow forts. Sweet, sweet
Megan all bundled up in her
bulky snowsuit, she looked just
like a snowman herself! How she
loved to lay in the snow and
wave those tiny arms of hers to
produce the most adorable snow
angels on the ground. And Ben
and Andy with their pelting
each other with snowballs.

Remember how we would stand
beside their oak trundle beds
at night and watch them sleep
with their dark and curly hair
sprayed across their pillows?
We would try to imagine what
they were dreaming about.
Was it trucks and trains or
of foreign places they had
yet to discover? Then we
would move over to Megans
small crib and see the cute
little dimple in her chin as
she lay cradling her baby doll
so gently in her tiny arms.
We just knew she would be a
wonderful mommy when she
grew up.

Things have changed since you've
been gone dear, our children
have grown up and now have
children of their own. Every
now and then they return to
this place we call heaven on
earth. One day soon, it will
be theirs, and they will
build their own memories like
we did.

Well, sweetheart, the fire is
going out in the fireplace and
the winds are howling loudly.
It looks like we are in for a
big Northerner to blow in
tonight. I need to go and
put on my long red flannels
and go to sleep. My eyes are
so heavy this evening, but
know that I love you and I
will be joining you again soon
my love.
May the Angels watch over you
as you rest in Peace.

~Written By: Christie