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Last night I had an unusal dream,
I thought I was a tree.
How boring! A TREE?
How could this ever be?

Next thing I knew, a little sparrow,
landed right on me.
He sang to me a pretty song,
it made me want to sing along.

Soon he built his home,
in the very branches of me.
I guess he was happy here,
'Cause soon he had a family.

Several other critters,
soon gathered all around.
Chipmunks, squirrels, and tree frogs
Many others on the ground.

The babes tested their wings
and found they could fly.
And away they all soared,
high up in the sky.

I miss my little feathered friends.
I liked their happy songs.
Tho' I wasn't lonely very long,
Before I heard another sound.

Two small boys giggling with glee,
Built a house in their 'special' tree.
They schemed and they planned
with hammer in hand.

They brought all they could find.
Cardboard for walls,
wooden boards for their signs,
and many toys of all kinds.

For many years they came to play,
but then they too, went away.
It made me sad to see them go,
Didn't think I'd see them any more.

Then one day, one returned.
With him a pretty miss.
He showed her his 'special' tree.
And then he stole a kiss

Next thing I knew I had a heart
Carefully carved into my bark
with initials and an arrow,
and singing like a sparrow

I am often taken for granted,
but that's okay with me.
For now I know, God chose me
to be a very 'special' tree.

Written by: Christie S. Hayes