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  I often wonder what it would be like to see the world through your eyes.
I watch them as you scan your surroundings,
and sometimes I see a secret smile slowly come to light.
I follow the same direction with my eyes,
However, mine find nothing to smile about.

Please tell me, what makes you smile so easily?

I know you've been through difficult times, but you don't let it show.
Could it be, that through these times,
Your eyes see things differently?
And your mind has come to grow?
Are you finding things in life that in the past you missed?
They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul.
What is it that you see?

Please tell me, what makes you smile so easily?

Is it what you see, or is it what you know?
What brings to your eyes a special glow?
Do you hold an inner secret of what life means to you?
Or could it be that each and every day seems so brand new?
How interesing it would be,
If through another's eyes we could see.
The eyes tell the story.
What is it that you see?

Please tell me, what makes you smile so easily?

  Written by: Christie S.Hayes


Credits: Graphic Design copyright Image copyright