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FRI(day) ENDS(today)

THIS is Jesse. She's my amazing friend who is wicked cool. Click on her picture to go to her website. Do it. DO IT.

THIS is Laura. She's SO funny. Good times at ball hockey. Check out the comic she made the plot for here.

THIS is Tessa, if you haven't already noticed. Yes, she is a stickman. you better not have a problem with that, because she's the best stickman you'll ever meet.

This is Jacob with two pairs of 3-D glasses on and a felt rose around his neck. He's great and sooooo funny.

Lauren Rhoni Tessa
Those are three of the funniest people you'll ever meet. In order from left to right Lauren Rhoni and Tessa, the real Tessa. This was taken at a hockey tournament. Ready to pull our Night at the Roxbury routine.

That's Jaimee. She's a bitch. haha no, not at all. I can't count how many times she's almost made me wet my pants by making me laugh so hard. If i were to count i'm sure it would up in the 20's. haha joking.

THIS is Alex. She's quite often Passive. hahahaha. No, but she thinks i'm weird.

That's JohnE. With his Kleenex Tie. See the wicked hair?

Michelle, Bailey, Rae Ann
That's Michelle Bailey and Rae ann. and someone's knee. Another... three... funny people.

hahahaha oh man. Yeah, that's Mandy. and nick and michelle in the background.

Darren. New Years.

THIS is Miles on Canada Day, or no, the day after. Good old fireworks.
