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Monday, 25 September 2006
Where to next?

So, this picture has more to it than my stupid ass look on my face, it says a lot about my life and where its going. For what you might not see, there is a hand on the wheel, and a window, with an empty road ahead. My hand on the wheel, ill even steal this quote from a movie, the movie being "Hustle and Flow"(which is actually good.) The quote comes from a scene where the hustler/pimp tells his hoe to put her hand on the wheel, and say, "we're in control." Now why i say this is, because, i am finally starting to feel like i am in complete control with my life. I choose when i wake, sleep, drink, eat, ride, etc. I am at the wheel of my life. For the window, it gives me a clear view on the world, and whats out there and what is worthy and so on and so forth. Sometimes, the window isn't so clear, and making decisions become difficult and unruling. Every choice leads to a action and reaction, just make sure you're window is clear for taking on what is happening. And for the open road, what more is there to say? Theres an open road in front of all of us, we all choose which lanes and which exits to make, which makes our lives, unique. It's our choice, on whats roads we take, and which ones we've taken. My roads have led to many places, and have all taught me different things about every walk of life. I may only be 18, and i may have a lot of road left, but i feel like i have seen things, and taken part in things and so on and so forth. So to bring me to my point, Scott and i spend a lot of hours behind the wheel, and its a very good source of knowledge and education. As well as fustration and annoynce. I've become so acustom to driving a lot, that 300 miles feels longer than my 5 mile drive to Primos Pizza(if you've never had it, its on 7 mile and farmington, its dialed.) Driving and traveling has become a part of my life, i feel like im neglecting myself if i dont travel somewhere far for a few weeks, and feel like im wasting time. I usually make up things to do, places to be, and people to see. My car, my bike, and my ipod have been quickly becoming another arm, leg and brain.

Well shit, im sorry for rambling on about my life, but, ill let you in on whats been going on in my life lately. I've been working with my brothers(Wild Brothers Lawncare Service) which hasnt been too bad, but tough on my shoulder. I painted my bike brown(Small Brown Bike, haha, get it? my favorite band, my small bike, mixed, hell yeah) and i MCed the RiverBends safety day with bikes, skateboards and rollerblades. And Sunday, the Albe's bus made a trip to Oregon, Ohio for a ramp jam in Nathan Powell's back yard, which was rad. Look for photos on and Albe's. So yeah, this is my latest on life. Ohh, and, if you've seen Mat Spark's bike, im sure he'd like to have it back, thanks!

-Dane Wild.

Posted by Deliverance Dude at 9:08 PM EDT
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