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Thursday, 28 September 2006
FOD Feature: Kelly Baker
Now Playing: 2 Live Crew Face Down, Ass Up
Here's the next installment of FOD spotlight, straight from the keyboard and mind of Newark Valley, New York's Kelly Baker:

My bike is a FBM pw moto with mostly FBM and profile parts. a couple
different things about it are a sealed suzue front hub on a old araya rim
that is painted bright orange. Marvin guts that I have had for like 7 years
(he asked for like 3 dollars for them to cover materials). A mirra seat
which is something different nowadays (soon to be a FBM seat). Always a
comp 3 on the front. Thats about it for the whip, nothing too special.
As for riding stories, It seems like I have a endless supply. Meeting
new people going new places, going to your favorite places with your
favorite people and so on. I want to tell about yesterday 9-27-06. We have
had a ton of rain this summer so trail sessions haven't been enough.
Yesterday was a beautiful day outside. I was at work and my wife (laura)
called and said "honey it is a nice day out I bet the trails are dry . You
should ride." So instantly I started emailing and calling my buds that I
knew were around and that would probably be down for riding. Some said they
had stuff to do so I laid the old "hey it is close to the end of the
season. It may be our last session". My brother, Kim and tomcat came with
me and about 5 others met us up at the acres. We raked all the leaves and
rocks off the trails. This time of year is great because it isn't too hot,
the leaves act like little tarps and keep the perfect moisture in the
trails. The trails were perfect smooth and after a bit they got blue
grooves. Everyone there gives everyone props when riding. We lit the piles
of leaves on fire (I love the smell of the burning leaves).We had the tunes
cranking. All the lines were going and we rode untill we could see anymore
(because it was dark). The special thing about this story is the simple
beauty of the session. Just riding awsome trails with awsome friends and
having a awsome time doing it. That is one of my favorite things about
riding, nothing has to be too fancy to have the best time riding. Sessions
like last night will keep me riding my bike forever.
Some things I like are my family (love), my friends, our home, BMX,
MX, Benny Baker is my favorite rider (my 5 year old son who rips), going
camping, playing with my children, waking up thinking I'm late for work and
realizing its saturday and I don't have work,old BMX bikes, and I guess
just plain old realizing how good my life really is.
Some of the things I dislike are getting flat tires, breaking
chains, rained out sessions, being arrested, paying fines, going to jail,
riding with dudes that talk about themselves and the tricks they are doing
constantly, making my wife upset, seeing any of my family sad, pork brains
and milk gravy, stepping in dog shit at the trails, crashing hard,
skateparks closing forever, and throttle grip. I'm sure there are more but
that is some that comes to mind now.
Things that scare me are anything bad happening to my family, nose
casing big landings,hurting my back, drowning in flooded rivers, almost
being kidnapped when I was a kid, snakes,heights, and zipping my dick up in
my zipper. Not being able to ride BMX scares me because I seriously don't
know what I would do with myself to take its place.I have been riding for
2/3's of my life, I'm 40. It is without a doubt part of who and what I am.


Posted by Deliverance Dude at 11:08 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 11:13 PM EDT
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