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Hello, this is my collection of water globes that I have collected from The Water Globe Collector's Club!

Please enjoy your stay at my part of the web.

My daughter Michelle had started this club back in 2001 when she was a assistant manager of a team at the Site Wars. She now has seperated from the Site Wars and is now running the club on her own. She invited me to join, and I did.
Now, without further ado... the globes!


Welcome to the WaterGlobe Collectors Club!
My personal Miniglobes
This is my pet, Oscar! I love Tweety! Isn't he cute?! I Vant to suck your blood! IT'S ALIVE! MMmmmm!
Remembering 9/11 One Nation, Under God... fill me up! fill me up! fill me up! fill me up! fill me up! fill me up! fill me up!
Gifted Globes
My daughter's first home! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Isn't it pretty?! A Owl!! fill me up! ! ! !
Remember 9/11 ! ! ! !
Join us!
Here is a doll Michelle gave to every one in the group! I thought it was pretty!
doll in water




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site owned by MM.

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