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A group of unlikely heroes.

Held together by their leader Ronin, AWOL from the army he received a dishonorable discharge when he  left his post to search for his missing daughter. Ronin's first recruit, if he can be called that was Milieu, the elemental, which Ronin controls with a talisman he normally wears around his neck.

Taboo was the first to join the pair, she  had her own reasons to hunt down those responsible for Ronin's daughters disappearance.

Barrage's entry gives the team more of a group appearance. He has a mysterious past, dark memories haunt him. 

Rounding off the team is "Kitty" (for lack of a better name at this time) An alien, she came to earth in search of her brothers killer, met the team and decided to stick around after her brothers killer had been brought to justice.

George Alii - Ronin
Grandfather Witch doctor
Parents unknown
Wife Divorced unknown
Daughter Angela "Angel"
Powers - no super powers. Some training with magic 
Weapons/equipment A Samurai sword handed down through his family, A talisman he discovered in a cave on an island in the pacific. This talisman controls the spirit that is possessed by the mask of Milieu. (see Milieu)
Skills Trained Airborne Ranger, Some training Special Forces. Trained swordsman, Level (?) Black belt Tae Kwon Do.

Another more recent pic

Tabatha Baker - Taboo
Parents Alive living in the Midwest
Brother Older Tommy
Skills, trained in magic, skilled in some hand to hand combat and familiar with most hand held weapons.


Another more recent pic

One in color

Marcus Salvo - Barrage
Known relatives:
Brother (twin) Mathew
Father Capt US Army Deceased (Killed in action)
Mother Deceased (Results of alcohol abuse)
God Parents Estranged
God sister deceased (Result of a driver DUI)
Powers - no super powers.
Skills - Trained Navy Seals


Another more recent pic

- Kitty
Mother Deceased
Father Retired Mercenary Space freighter pilot
Brother 2 - 1 deceased
Sisters 8 
(8 of 10 children, her oldest brother being half brother)
Powers - Feline in nature. Also has ability to transform to lioness type creature. (She is alien in origin so would not be an earthly feline) She is skilled in many forms of combat, hand to hand, weapons of all kind. She has flown many space ships and can operate most earth forms of transportation. She especially appreciates motorcycles. 
Fighting preference - She prefers to fight in close quarters hand to hand, she has sharp claws that retract. She is a skilled tracker/hunter. She was trained by her father to be a mercenary.

A more recent pic.

Milieu unknown - the Elemental
Family - unknown
Powers - to control the elements, make them solid into a single form. his range is limited, but he will exert himself to the point that he is well over 4 stories tall, taking his shape from the rocks/water/air or fire near him. While the elements are in the shape of a human type form, the mask of Milieu is normally in the position a human face would appear. 
The mask of Milieu is inhabited by the soul of a sailor who died some 150 years ago. This sailor was the soul survivor of his ship when it wrecked in the pacific. The ship he had been on was a pirate vessel. he was not a pleasant person, but has become repentant after his time within the control of the mask. The mask was the object of his captains quest. he wished to use the mask to make his fortune. The crew of the vessel was aware of the mask but only the captain knew how to truly control it. The captain had let it slip that the wearer of the mask would control the natural forces. He did not reveal that the was in turn controlled by the person who possessed a certain talisman. A lucky charm the captain himself wore around his neck. After he was wrecked alone on the island and he found the mask the sailor sought to use its power to escape. Tragically he failed, His body turned to dust and the masks former occupant escaped. The soul of an island tribesman trapped for 400 years fled. The mask lay on the cave floor for another 140 years waiting for discovery. Aware of his surroundings the sailor hoped that he too would be released as the unsuspecting soldier who had found himself in the cave lifted the mask to examine it.