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This is Randy Raines with his bow kill buck. It's an 8 pt. with 12" spread at @ 130 lbs. Shot in Ingham County, Michigan
Earle Perry and his 9 pt. bow kill, shot in Michigan
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Dan Snapp's 5 minute buck! I shot this 5 point in Ingham county, Michigan at 7am opening morning. I watched it in a big bean field for 2 and 1/2 hours and 10 minutes after I figured it was dead, there was 2 crows sitting on it. If we would die in the woods, it would not take long for the buzzards to be there huh? It was a good hunt.
Mark Benson got this 8 pt. buck in Leslie, MI. Weighs 167 lbs. with a 13" spread. |
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Larry Gunnell's 7 pt. buck with 15 in. spread taken in Belding, MI on the first day of gun season. His first buck, yaaay! |
Ray Woodard got his 8 pt. in here in the Ingham / Jackson County Area. |
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Hi my name is Michelle Zemla. I live in Warren Michigan. I shot a 10 point, weight approx. 179 lbs. dressed. I shot him in the neck with 1 shot, he went down right there with a 20 gage shotgun in Sanilac County, Michigan |