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Tuesday, 22 November 2005
Michigan Spared Deepest GM Cuts
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: Karl Okerlund
Topic: State Gov't Michigan
I was reading an article in the Muskegon Chronicle today 11/22/05 on how Michigan will not be cut that bad in the big GM layoffs. The article also stated that the state will only lose 3,000 jobs. You can tell a conservative big business person wrote this article to say that. Because 3,000 jobs is a hell of a lot of jobs.

What do you think?

Posted by crazy4/crazy_karl88 at 5:29 PM EST
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Monday, 21 November 2005
Self defense?
Mood:  bright
Topic: Local Gov't Muskegon
Last night on the 20 of November I was watching WZZM and this guy supposedly shot this dog out of self-defense? He said that the dog was coming towards his children, the dog was not barking, it was just walking towards the kids. This is when the husband shot the dog. There was also something about a cat in the dog’s mouth. There are laws now-days that put people away for murdering a dog. I feel these laws are for a good cause, but only if it was murder.

Should people be face criminal charges for murdering an animal?

Posted by un2/j_brow at 2:59 PM EST
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Killing of dogs
Mood:  bright
Topic: Local Gov't Muskegon
Last night on the 20 of November I was watching WZZM and this guy supposely shot this dog out of self defense. He said that the dog was coming towards his children, the dog was not barking, it was just walikng towards the kids. This is when the husband shot the dog. There was also something about a cat in the dogs mouth. There are laws now-days that put people away for murdering a dog. I feel these laws are for a good cause, but only if it was murder.

Should people be face crimanal charges for murdering an animal?

Posted by un2/j_brow at 2:55 PM EST
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Dental Health Aides Face D.C. Opposition
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Bleu Bird---I forgot to mention this
Topic: Class Topics
By the way this was an article i read today on Aol news at

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 2:05 PM EST
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GH soccer player dies in crash
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Ian Parrott
This article was in the Muskegon Chronicle on Thursday the 17th of November. As we all know we had our first snow storm of the season the night before on Wednesday. As the temperature dropped, and snow continued to fall, the roads began to get icy and slick. The boy's name was Mike Herman, a 15 year old who i have played soccer against. He was driving with his mom on the highway and slid out of control and died in a fatal accident. As we all know the first time driving in winter conditions is an experience, and sometimes, if we lost control of the car, it gets scary. Many accidents like this one happen every winter season.

Question: Do you think that the state should enforce another drivers-training class in the winter to show kids the real dangers of driving in the snow?

Posted by art3/itp123 at 1:50 PM EST
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Dental Health Aides Face D.C. Opposition
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Bleu Bird
Topic: U.S. Congress
In Alaska some people have to go very far to get dental care. A women dental who is a health aide therapist in Alaska was doing things with peoples teeth in the area. Some members of Congress, joined by the American Dental Association said that she was not qualified to do this and she could ruin some of her patients teeth. The reason they go to her is because they do not have 200 dollars to spend to go fly to a dentist office. Theres been a debate on whether or not they should bring dentists to small areas.

Do you think the woman in Alaska should be able to practice dental work there?
Do you think they should bring dentist offices into small rural areas?

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 7:30 AM EST
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Sunday, 20 November 2005
House Passes A Horrible Budget Plan
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Karl Okerlund
Topic: U.S. Congress
The house has passed a budget plan that will cut medicad, social secruity,health care, and other programs. That will endanger the lives of the poor Americans and benefit the rich. This wrong and immoral but what do you think?

Posted by crazy4/crazy_karl88 at 1:44 PM EST
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And the war in Iraq Now Bring Our Troops Home
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Karl Okerlund
Topic: Hot Topics
I have been hearing on the news lately in press conferences of President Bush who keeps on defending the out rageous action he took on Iraq. And not listening to people in his own country nor in congress asking when the hell are we going to get the hell out of Iraq he has no answer. Simply because he had no exit plan in this war and no proper motive in this war. You don't go to war without an exit plan or a proper motive and lie about that motive. I think its time for our troops to come home. And Mr. President you are the one sending the wrong message to our troops by not telling when they will and how they will come home.

What do you think?

Posted by crazy4/crazy_karl88 at 9:05 AM EST
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Vote For Hilary 2008
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Hilary v. Rudy 2008
Topic: Political Parties
I was reading an article in todays paper 11/20/05
On how they predict its going to be Hilary v. Rudy Giolloni (think I spelled that wrong) in the 2008 election. And if it does come to that I hope Hilary wins.

What Do you think

Posted by crazy4/crazy_karl88 at 8:55 AM EST
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Monday, 14 November 2005
Gas Corporations
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Hot Topics
On the Daily Show at 11:00pm on thursday the 10th Jon Stewart was broadcasting major gas corporation officials disscusing how much money they had to pay for things. The corporations said that they needed to raise the gas prices in order to pay their annual amount of money they spend each year. I would say that they are making enough money to run the gas stations. Maybe even enough to lower the prices on gas.
What is your opinion on the topic?

Posted by un2/j_brow at 2:56 PM EST
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American Psychiatric Association
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Bleu
Topic: U.S. Congress
I was reading a article on Aol news this morning and the title was very interesting.

Bill Adds Therapists to Medicare Coverage
Senator, Craig Thomas is the one who proposed this bill. The bill will help people who are too poor to afford mental care. This bill will also help families that need to go to counseling and marriage counseling. The American Psychiatric Association said its a waste of money because more people will go for counseling and very few will go for things such as Schizophrenia.

Do you think that making adding therapists to Medicaid is a waste of money?

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 7:30 AM EST
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Sunday, 6 November 2005
U.S. forces launch attack on al-Qaida
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Chad Pothoff
Topic: Hot Topics
So I think a lot of us that the U.S. soldiers being in Iraq has been pointless and we should have never been there however, I came across this article while reading the Muskegon Chronicle today (Sunday November 6th). Yesterday the 5th about 3,500 U.S. and Iraqi troops backed by jets launched a major attack on a town were insurgents were known to be. There were at least nine air strikes as well as ground fighting. Now knowing that some fighting is still going on and there are still insurgents in Iraq do you think that it is time to pull out or do we need to continue doing what they say we need to do? I personally that since were there and we got into the mess (or Bush got us into it) we can't leave without getting the job done, But what do you think?

Posted by rock4/mcrsthebest at 6:55 PM EST
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Friday, 4 November 2005
Senate backs oil drilling in Alaskan refuge
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Bleu Bird
Topic: U.S. Congress
The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted to allow oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. I read this in an article on Aol News it was posted at 9:40 p.m. This pisses me off because didnt they promise Alaska that they would always keep that refuge safe? I am really irratated about this because it seems like Bush is oil the country is oil hungry, thanks to Bush we lost alot of oil in the war on Iraq. Well anyways here is my question.....
Do you think that We should beable to get oil from the REFUGE?

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 7:29 AM EST
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Wednesday, 2 November 2005
Leaking about a CIA agent
Mood:  happy
Topic: Hot Topics
I was watching the daily show on Monday October 30 at 11:00 pm. Jon Stewart was talking about this guy being indited because he had lied under oath. Behind all this there was something about the revealing of somebodies wife who was a CIA agent. This man name was Mr. Scooter and he worked for the vice president. The vice president and Mr. Scooter would be seen with each other all the time, so it could only be assumed that the vice president knows information.

Should the vice president be questioned just because he knows Mr. Scooter?

Posted by un2/j_brow at 7:26 AM EST
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Sunday, 30 October 2005
Vandals Spray-paint graffiti at Mona Shores
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Chad Pothoff
Topic: Hot Topics
I know some of us have talked about this in class so i decided to put it up. The article came out of the Muskegon Chronicle last Monday the 24th. A group of adults and/or students decided to go to Mona Shores High School after the game that Friday when our Big Reds beat Mona Shores 42-0 and spray painted all over the school building, Press box, stands, and band trailer. As of Friday the 28th know one has steped forward or been caught. The main suspects are the students here at MHS. Once again the students at Muskegon look bad to everyone who has hered about this, and then some students wonder why so many people put this school down. I just wanted to know what all of you think about this situation, and do you think it was MHS students or another schools students?

Posted by rock4/mcrsthebest at 7:29 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 30 October 2005 9:22 PM EST
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Friday, 28 October 2005
Bleu Bird (that last posting was mine too)
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Rosa Parks May Lie in Honor at Capitol
Topic: U.S. Congress
Congress is arranging for Rosa Parks to lie in honor at Capitol Rotunda. They said that she will be the first women to lie there. Its going to be a great honor for her and her family.
I heard this, this morning on Fox news ....

Do you think there should be any qualifications for being buried in a place like the capitol?

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 7:32 AM EDT
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Thursday, 27 October 2005
Miers withdraws nomination
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Do you think there should be certain qualifications for being a Supreme Court Justice?
Topic: President Bush (43)
I read an article on it was posted today and it said that the nominee for the Supreme Court Jusice withdrawaled because she had been in the news alot because the media was saying they didnt think she was qualified enough for the life term position....Do you think there should be certain qualifications for being a Supreme Court Justice?

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 11:10 AM EDT
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Monday, 24 October 2005
Michael Jackson
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: U.S. Courts
In the Muskegon Chronicle Oct 20,2005
People said that their Michael Jackson had been called for jury duty. Michaels lawyers had showed paper work stating that he was no longer a resident of the USA, but of Bahrain.
Question: Do you think that if it where a chance that Michael was called for jury duty then should he be allowed.

Posted by stars6/bunny17 at 3:40 PM EDT
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Saturday, 22 October 2005
President Bush is the best president ever!
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Charmane Carruthers
Topic: President Bush (43)
I am just joking guys because that would be a total lie. I have been watching Real Time With Bill Maur and I really enjoy the topics discussed on his show. The show spends most of its time bashing our current administration. I find this really enjoyable because this administration should be bashed for all the stupid stuff they have done. Bill really likes to talk about Bush's nomination for Supreme Court Justice. I really don't know if she is qualified enough to even be a supreme court justice. I am just glad that I will be able to vote for the next president.

Posted by creep2/vince15 at 10:07 PM EDT
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Why Discussion Boards?
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Charmane Carruthers
Topic: Class Topics
I am very angry at the fact that our entire class has to partake in these ridiculous discussion on the Internet when there is something more constructive we can be doing with out time like eating or sleeping. These discussions have absolutely nothing to do with the class. I took the class so I could receive college credit if I passed the AP exam which I probably won't because I will be too business trying to do discussion boards. It is our duty as the next generation of the United States of America to stand up for what we believe in and strike down what we don't. This is a government class and like Mr. Jacobs has said many times before the people have the right to revolution. It is time we all stand together as a class and practice our rights. This will be the last day I will slave away in front of a computer to try to talk about what is on the news. We as a class can gear the creative energy used to lie on this discussion board toward trying to pass the AP exam. This is a perfect opportunity to start to work our power as members of this society. If you won't stand up to this little injustice how will you ever stand up and make a difference in our nation. Here is a quote to live by, "If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything,"~Somebody. Classmates I want to hear your honest opinions so reply to this comment.

Posted by creep2/vince15 at 9:52 PM EDT
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