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Tuesday, 3 January 2006
Chief Justice getting greedy?
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Bleu Bird
Topic: U.S. Courts
Chief Justice John Roberts thinks that supreme court judges should get payed more money. He says that if there is a bigger salary that more people would want to be a supreme court judge. Personally i believe that if someone wanted to be a supreme court judge and they were a sincerely good judge then they would do it for the honor of being a supreme court judge. I think it will make more greedy and worse people try to get the job if there is a larger pay....

What do you think?

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 7:23 AM EST
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Tuesday, 20 December 2005
New York City Transit Workers Strike
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Bleu Bird
Topic: Class Topics
well i was reading this article on Aol News and it said that all the subways and bus stations in New York were closed because they were on Strike. They were on strike becayse they felt that they were underapreciated. This caused 7 million people to have to find new ways to get to work.
Do you think that their strike was for a good enough reason to put 7 million people in chaos?

p.s. Mr. Jacobs how come i have a zero for my 11/28 discussion board. I do my discussion board every week so can you look into that?

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 7:34 AM EST
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Monday, 12 December 2005
House Votes to Limit Passengers in Vehicles by Teenagers
Now Playing: Ian Parrott
This was an article in the Muskegon Chronicle on Thursday, December 8. It told of how the house has voted 71-31 in favor of limiting 1st year drivers to have only 1 other person younger than 18 in his or her car during the time of driving. Young drivers represent only 7% of the driving population, yet they account for 14.2% of fatal crashes. Limiting the number of passengers in the car would help curb the number of distractions that teenagers face when driving.

Question: Do you think that limiting the number of passengers in a 1st year driver's car to 1 under the age of 18 is good?

Posted by art3/itp123 at 5:45 PM EST
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Immigrants Dying to Get Across The Border
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Bleu Bird
Topic: Hot Topics
I just read an article on Aol Government News about immigrants. As you know i posted another article on this topic. The only thing is that they are saying that now they know that they have wasted millions of dollars of taxpayers money because of the "improvements" Clinton made. The reason they say this is because many immigrants still get across. The only thing is that 1,000 a year die trying because they have to walk across deserts.

What do you think they should do, still try to increase the restrictions, or should they figure out another way?

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 7:26 AM EST
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Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Hot Topics
I am really tired of hearing about gas and oil. Sunday night December 11th at 11:00 pm they mentioned oil. The news said that OPEC president was not going to pump any more oil. Personal I believe that we are ok for oil. The gas keeps increasing because corporations are playing with the public. I think that if it was at all possible we should boycott gas.
What are your thoughts on gas and oil?

Posted by un2/j_brow at 7:24 AM EST
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Monday, 5 December 2005
GVSU ready to share anti-drug, alcohol program
Now Playing: Ian Parrott
This was an article in the Muskegon Chronicle on Monday, December 5th, 2005. In the article it explains how an anti-drug and alcohol program called ALERT at GVSU is trying to expand to other high schools in the state. This program was ade in 1999 after there was evidence of high alcohol use at Grand Valley. Since 1999, alcohol and drug abuse dropped by almost 50 percent. Also, the retention of its students has increased. ALERT shows the effects of alcohol and drug abuse, and also takes part in invertentions with students. We all know that many high school students live it up and drink it down on the weekends, some everyday.

QUESTION: Knowing the positive results that the ALERT program has established at GVSU, should the program try to expand to other high schools in the state to help solve the problem of high school under-age drinking and drug abuse?

Posted by art3/itp123 at 3:02 PM EST
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Sexually abused children
Mood:  blue
Topic: Hot Topics
Last night I was watching WZZM news at 11:00pm on channel two when they were talking about sexually abused children. They said that these kids needed a place to go where they could talk and not feel uncomfortable. That is when people decided to make a place for children to talk to a shrink and be checked by a doctor. If any police, laywer, or anyone else wanted to see the child’s interview they could do so there. The room that the children would talk in would not have a lot of toys or decorations; it would just be a room for the child to talk in. I think this would be a good thing for the children.

What do you think about the place?

Posted by un2/j_brow at 7:30 AM EST
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Bush Finally reducing troops
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: BLEU BIRD
Topic: President Bush (43)
I read an artile on Aol News this morning ( Well anyways it said that Bush was supposed to be reducing the amount of troops in Iraq in 2006. Personally i think that this should have been done along time ago and I think for once he came up with a bright idea.

Do you think that Bush is reducing the troops at the right time or do you think he should have done it along time ago?

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 7:30 AM EST
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Wednesday, 30 November 2005
Assault Weapon Ban
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Karl Okerlund
Topic: U.S. Congress
I remember about a year ago the Assault Weapon Ban was removed and now Americans can own and use Assault Weapons. Well, I think that is wrong and that the ban should be put back into place but, I also know with a extermly conservative congress right now that will most likely not happen.

What do you think?

Posted by crazy4/crazy_karl88 at 9:28 PM EST
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Tuesday, 29 November 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Hot Topics
I was watching the daily show on Monday 28th at 11:00pm when Jon Stewart showed the crazy people in Wal-Mart. People were running all around acting crazy because they wanted to get their Christmas shopping done. There was this one woman who was being stepped on and in the process her wig fell off her head. She put her wig back on before she got back up. This is crazy to me that this was happening because of the Christmas time.

What are your thoughts about the whole Christmas shopping madness?

Posted by un2/j_brow at 2:53 PM EST
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Monday, 28 November 2005
Bush to focus on illegal immigration
Now Playing: Ian Parrott
This was an article I read on on monday, Nov. 28. It explained the added importance Bush is starting to put on illegal immigration. It talked of how Bush is proposing three new areas; border security, enforcement and a temporary worker program, to help solve the problem of illegal immigration into the United States. For the first component, Bush is proposing border security be strengthened by using technology and other resources. Also, Bush is looking to enforce illegal immigrants to the interior of Mexico instead of letting them return to just the border of Mexico. Finally, Bush is also proposing a temporary worker program that would allow illegal immigrants to gain legal status.

Question: Do you think that illegal immigration is a major problem in the US and are the three areas that Bush is focusing on important or irrelevant?

Posted by art3/itp123 at 2:35 PM EST
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Tuesday, 22 November 2005
Michigan Spared Deepest GM Cuts
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: Karl Okerlund
Topic: State Gov't Michigan
I was reading an article in the Muskegon Chronicle today 11/22/05 on how Michigan will not be cut that bad in the big GM layoffs. The article also stated that the state will only lose 3,000 jobs. You can tell a conservative big business person wrote this article to say that. Because 3,000 jobs is a hell of a lot of jobs.

What do you think?

Posted by crazy4/crazy_karl88 at 5:29 PM EST
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Monday, 21 November 2005
Self defense?
Mood:  bright
Topic: Local Gov't Muskegon
Last night on the 20 of November I was watching WZZM and this guy supposedly shot this dog out of self-defense? He said that the dog was coming towards his children, the dog was not barking, it was just walking towards the kids. This is when the husband shot the dog. There was also something about a cat in the dog’s mouth. There are laws now-days that put people away for murdering a dog. I feel these laws are for a good cause, but only if it was murder.

Should people be face criminal charges for murdering an animal?

Posted by un2/j_brow at 2:59 PM EST
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Killing of dogs
Mood:  bright
Topic: Local Gov't Muskegon
Last night on the 20 of November I was watching WZZM and this guy supposely shot this dog out of self defense. He said that the dog was coming towards his children, the dog was not barking, it was just walikng towards the kids. This is when the husband shot the dog. There was also something about a cat in the dogs mouth. There are laws now-days that put people away for murdering a dog. I feel these laws are for a good cause, but only if it was murder.

Should people be face crimanal charges for murdering an animal?

Posted by un2/j_brow at 2:55 PM EST
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Dental Health Aides Face D.C. Opposition
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Bleu Bird---I forgot to mention this
Topic: Class Topics
By the way this was an article i read today on Aol news at

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 2:05 PM EST
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GH soccer player dies in crash
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Ian Parrott
This article was in the Muskegon Chronicle on Thursday the 17th of November. As we all know we had our first snow storm of the season the night before on Wednesday. As the temperature dropped, and snow continued to fall, the roads began to get icy and slick. The boy's name was Mike Herman, a 15 year old who i have played soccer against. He was driving with his mom on the highway and slid out of control and died in a fatal accident. As we all know the first time driving in winter conditions is an experience, and sometimes, if we lost control of the car, it gets scary. Many accidents like this one happen every winter season.

Question: Do you think that the state should enforce another drivers-training class in the winter to show kids the real dangers of driving in the snow?

Posted by art3/itp123 at 1:50 PM EST
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Dental Health Aides Face D.C. Opposition
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Bleu Bird
Topic: U.S. Congress
In Alaska some people have to go very far to get dental care. A women dental who is a health aide therapist in Alaska was doing things with peoples teeth in the area. Some members of Congress, joined by the American Dental Association said that she was not qualified to do this and she could ruin some of her patients teeth. The reason they go to her is because they do not have 200 dollars to spend to go fly to a dentist office. Theres been a debate on whether or not they should bring dentists to small areas.

Do you think the woman in Alaska should be able to practice dental work there?
Do you think they should bring dentist offices into small rural areas?

Posted by amiga2/bleu_bird at 7:30 AM EST
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Sunday, 20 November 2005
House Passes A Horrible Budget Plan
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Karl Okerlund
Topic: U.S. Congress
The house has passed a budget plan that will cut medicad, social secruity,health care, and other programs. That will endanger the lives of the poor Americans and benefit the rich. This wrong and immoral but what do you think?

Posted by crazy4/crazy_karl88 at 1:44 PM EST
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And the war in Iraq Now Bring Our Troops Home
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Karl Okerlund
Topic: Hot Topics
I have been hearing on the news lately in press conferences of President Bush who keeps on defending the out rageous action he took on Iraq. And not listening to people in his own country nor in congress asking when the hell are we going to get the hell out of Iraq he has no answer. Simply because he had no exit plan in this war and no proper motive in this war. You don't go to war without an exit plan or a proper motive and lie about that motive. I think its time for our troops to come home. And Mr. President you are the one sending the wrong message to our troops by not telling when they will and how they will come home.

What do you think?

Posted by crazy4/crazy_karl88 at 9:05 AM EST
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Vote For Hilary 2008
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Hilary v. Rudy 2008
Topic: Political Parties
I was reading an article in todays paper 11/20/05
On how they predict its going to be Hilary v. Rudy Giolloni (think I spelled that wrong) in the 2008 election. And if it does come to that I hope Hilary wins.

What Do you think

Posted by crazy4/crazy_karl88 at 8:55 AM EST
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