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Merry Christmas Jessica

First Christmas In Heaven!
This is going to be my first Christmas in heaven and
mom, I know that makes you feel really sad, I see
your tears falling. Mom, I know that this first
Christmas without me is really hard for you and
believe it or not God knows you are low.

My first Christmas in Heaven is turning out to be
a blast for me Mom. Ths is other angel's first
Christmas here too. I am spending Christmas with
my angel friends and Jesus. I am happy, finally
happy and Mom guess what, I am flying free.

My first Christmas in Heaven is beautiful mom,
the angels are dressed in white flowing gowns their
wings are all around me. They are throwing a big
Christmas birthday party for someone special. Mom it
is Jesus and He is like a huge shining star.

Everyone is invited, all alike. Even ones that are
new like other angels and me. Our wings have just
been earned but they say it doesn't matter. Mom I know
your saddness can't be taken away but I want you
to know that I LOVE YOU ALL! My Christmas wish this year
mom, I asked Jesus to bring you hope and peace this
year and to bring my love to all of you I love.

My first heavenly Christmas to you Mom is LOVE and
PEACE for the BEST MOM in the world. I am never far
away. I will never leave you alone MOM, your Christmas
angel is always by your side and I see you
through the holdes in Heaven's floor...

Love Your Angel,

author unknown.