PB Code Zone
Follow The Leader Status Bar Effect
FOLLOW THE LEADER STATUS BAR EFFECT Lowercase letters MUST be used in your message! You can add more messages. Make sure you add quotation marks " " around the added messages and separate them using a comma. Also make sure the last message is ended by this ); You can change the animation speed by changing the number in this section: var speed = 50; You can also change the speed at which the messages are repeated by changing the number in this section: var speed2 = 1000;
TIP ~ These characters are obtained by pressing the alt & shift keys, and the letter at the same time. Alt + Shift + A Å Alt + Shift + C Ç Alt + Shift + D Ð Alt + Shift + H ‚ Alt + Shift + J „ Alt + Shift + K ‡ Alt + Shift + L ¯ Alt + Shift + O Ø Alt + Shift + Q Æ Alt + Shift + T Þ Alt + Shift + W Œ