PB Code Zone
Annimated = And > Signs In Status Bar
OnLoad="welcometext()"> You can adjust the speed of the effect by changing the number in this section of the code: setTimeout("anim()", 150); You can also change the effects that surround your message by changing these symbols: =<=< in the sections that look like this: if (step==1) window.status = '>==' + thetext + '===<'; However, don't change where it say's - the text.
TIP ~ These Characters are obtained by pressing the Alt. key and the number at the same time. Alt + 1 ¹ Alt + 2 ² Alt + 3 ³ Alt + 4 ¢ Alt + 5 ¼ Alt + 6 ½ Alt + 7 ¾ Alt + 8 • Alt + 0 °