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:: Retaliations ::
When someone executes a leg sweep, you can retaliate by...:

   ▫ ...immediately returning with a leg sweep, which always succeeds (unless fighting Sonya).

   ▫ ...immediately throwing your projectile, and, if you're quick enough, it will always work. Although, it is simplest if you're playing as Scorpion or Raiden, since their projectile is fast and easy pull off. Don't try it with other characters until you're positive you can pull it off, since your opponent can block it and pound you if you stall.
      - Cage :: Shadow Kick.
      - Kano :: Cannonball.
      - Raiden :: Lightning Bolt.
      - Liu Kang :: Just return with a leg sweep, unless they are fairly far away after their leg sweep. In that case execute a Flying Kick.
      - Scorpion :: Return with a leg sweep unless you're very skilled with his spear.
      - Sub-Zero :: Simply return with a leg sweep of your own, or even simpler, execute his slide, or, return with a freeze.
      - Sonya :: Return with a leg sweep, or--only if you feel you're skilled enough to pull it off correctly--her leg grab, which does plenty of damage and is performed quickly. When fighting against Sonya, only Sub-Zero's slide and Kano's cannonball will make work.

When someone continously low punches, retaliate by...:

   ▫ Make sure your D-Pad is in the down-to-back position, and tap LOW KICK repeatedly. This is best started as early as possible, even as they are walking toward you with the intention of low punching. Execute this often, but occasionally just block, but only if you get leg swept a few times while performing the crouching kick. Balance the amount of blocking and crouch kicking to suit your opponent's style; if they leg sweep often, block often and pop them back after you block their leg sweeps. If they low punch often, crouch kick often.

When someone jumps towards you, retaliate by...:

   ▫ ...blocking.

   ▫ ...uppercutting, as they are closing in, but only you are playing as Cage, Liu Kang, Raiden, or Sonya. Uppercut before their leg reaches you, since the uppercut has a long reach in most instances. If your opponent is jumping from far away, this is a little more difficult to pull off. If they are jumping fairly close to you, this tactic works terrifically.

   ▫ ...blocking, and, while they are still airborne, immediately pulling off an uppercut.

   ▫ If they've jumped from fairly far away, perform your specified character's special move.
      - Cage:: use the slide kick at Close range, and the green bolt at far range. It is deceptively easy to hit someone out of the air using the slide kick, but only if you start it late.
      - Kano :: Knife Throw at far range; cannonball at close range. The cannonball will override most aerial attacks unless they are timed perfectly, and they can't be if the cannonball is not expected.
      - Raiden :: Lightning Bolt. This is by far the best anti-aerial attack. Use it without fear, unless your opponent is Kano. It's nearly impossible to jump kick Raiden using the lightning, at any range. Just don't do it too early.
      - Liu Kang :: Fireball, although this is difficult since you take a step towards your opponent due to the move combinations. The AI can pull it off perfectly, but you should execute your uppercut instead.
      - Scorpion :: Spear, but only if you back far enough away so their aerial attack won't hit you at all if the spear didn't connect. Otherwise, teleport punch out of danger, or block.
      - Sub-Zero :: Freeze, followed by any attack of your choice.
      - Sonya :: Square Wave Punch, but execute it as early as possible, preferably at the same moment they start the jump.

When someone jumps away from you, retaliate by...:

   ▫ ...throwing your projectile. Chances are, it'll connect perfectly.
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