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On this page I'm going to talk about the miscarriage that I had back in November and I'm also going to put some links on here too all about miscarragies and how I felt about having my miscarriage too. Please stop back to this page to see if there's any updates on it and make sure you sign my guest book on the first page so I know that you've been here! Thanks!
February 20, 2005--- Well, here I am updating this page and I have a couple of links so far that you can go to if you ever went through a miscarriage. Let me tell you alittle bit more about my miscarriage that I had not to long ago. Back on September 16, 2004 I ended up pregnant and between September 27, and 28, 2004 I was suppose to have my period and I didn't and all I did was spot those days and then on October 8, 2004 I took a home pregnancy test and at that time I didn't know that I had a urinary tract infection and the pregnancy test came back positive and on October 11, 2004 I told my ex-boyfriend that I was pregnant and he was happy about it. I ended up getting the urinary tract infection cleared up and I did make a appointment for the baby and then around October 31, 2004 and November 1st (the same year) I had walked up to the grocery store that's not far from my home and went into the bathroom since I had to go really bad and when I went I seen some blood clots (if you want to call them that) and I was thinking to myself, "No, this can't be happening to me no in the the world it could be." So, I started to plead with God, for me to carry the baby to full term. Then, when I got home from what I was doing I kept pleading with God and kept saying this can't be happening. In the meantime a friend of mine (actually my ex-boyfriend's brother's girlfriend came over and thank goodness too). On November 1st I went for a ultrasound, I got to see the baby and everything was there and the arms and the legs were forming and then the doctor helped with the vaginal ultrasound part said that the baby was dead and before he said anything and before he came in I didn't see any movements and my mom was there with me and didn't see any movements neither and we both looked at each other and said "We know that there's a baby there." So after that, that's when the doctor was in there helping with the vaginal part and he should us everything and told us that we should of beenable to see the heartbeat flicker off the sack and it wasn't and there wasn't any movement there either and then that night around (between) 6 pm and 6:30 pm I had my water (or whatever it was) broke and I ended up calling my ex-boyfriend (well his brother's girlfriend did) and told him that he didn't to come right away and do you think he did. Nope! Gave me a bunch of lies of course why he didn't come. Well, that night (November 1st) I ended up in the hospital through the ER of course. Of course I ended up going through another ultra sound and also went through blood work for the 2nd time that day too! I can't forget that I had a yeast infection too on top of all this and then found out through that I had the Herpe Virus and couldn't understand how I got that through a yeast infection and then I found out from the hospital (because they called me) that I had it too since they seen it in the blood work. Both neither my doctor or the hospital didn't tell me what kind of Herpe Virus it was and of course I'm upset about it and I do know that there's a kind that you can get from a pregnancy too. I didn't get out of the hospital intil between 6:15 am and 6:30 am on November 2, 2004 and both days I did cry my heart out. On November 2, 2004 I finally lost the baby between 11:20 pm and 11:30 pm and I tried calling my mom and my sister to let them know that I had lost the baby but neither one of them answered their cell phones. So, the next day (November 3rd), I called my mom and told her about it and of course I was up all night from being hurt and I can't remember what time I had called her. I had to cancel some appointments that I had including the doctor's office and W.I.C. and I also had to make another appointment for the doctor's office for my miscarriage. It took me awhile to get over the loss that I had and now, I have a hole in my heart. I do have a child and it's a boy and that's one of the good things that I have going for myself and he's going to be 13 this year. Well, I'm going to be adding more to this page and come back to see if there's any updates to it and I'll be adding how I'm doing and how I'm dealing with my lost of the baby and make sure you sign my guestbook which is located on the first page so I know that you've been here. Thanks!
October 1, 2005 -- Well it's been almost a year now that I had my miscarriage. To be exactly it'll be a year on November 2nd that I've miscarried and it's been a rough 11 months (has of tomorrow) for me and I still have my ups and downs with it but I know that I'll be compeletly over it soon. I'm so grateful for my family and my best friend Bernadette who were there for me and along with my friend Nicole and of course Bernadette was in another state she was still there for me. Now, with Nicole she was here with me when I had lost the baby and if it wasn't for her being here with me. I would of lost it really bad. I'm still looking around for more websites for miscarriages and once I do, I'll put them on here for the ones whose been thru a miscarriage. I know what ppl go thru with a miscarriage and I don't wish this on no one or my worse enemy.
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U can go here to find out anything u want including miscarriages
I found this page and it does help in the healing proccess after anyone had a miscarriage