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I'd never been a Grandma before
Just didn't know how it would be
But I was very anxious
Waiting around to see
What kind of a grand child
God would make for me
He might make a boy,
But maybe He'd make a girl
He might make some golden hair
and even make a curl
These are the things I thought about
and praying all the while
That He would make you perfect,
a healthy little child
He could have sent a boy
but then He thought 'I won't'
He always knows just what we need
even when we don't
So He said,'you're the one
to bring the greatest joy,
sometime in the future,
I'll send a little boy'
Now you're here and I'm a Grandma
and the feelings deep inside
Are so overwhelming
I thanked God, and then I cried

    Written By: Yolanda Cohen