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One day not long ago
I was a pretty little girl
Beautiful coal black hair
Very straight,not one curl

  But it never bothered me
'Cause I was young and strong
It just did not occur to me
Any thing could ever go wrong?

  Then almost over night
I was old and gray
I'd stare all day in the mirror
To be sure I looked this way?

  Now as the days go by
And the image is don't improve
I stay away from that mirror
So my sanity, I don't lose

  I do not like the ugly things
I now see in myself
But it's not like I could change
And put it all on a shelf

  It's life, and I  must face it
Tho' hard it's going to be
To know I have to stay old
And never again be me???

  So now to find a way
To cope with the blow I'm dealt
by growing old so soon
And losing my pretty self

  What do you suggest?
I asked a friend of mine,
She almost lost her breath
 And ask, if I was blind?

  I am old and wrinkled too
but my hairs not gray
It all fell out so soon
It never got that way


  We were young,Now we're old
Be glad we've been so blest
To live these many years
Tho' we may not look our best

  Any life is worth the living
I now say to my older self
Don't think about the wrinkles
And putting them on a shelf

  The sun still shines so bright
Little birds still have a song
Flowers  bloom each spring
So I'll keep shuffling along

  When I see those pretty faces
Of the ones not yet grown old
I'll just remind myself
Their story's,"yet to be told"

  Written by: Betty Hill