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Come broken heart. spent passion. and disillusioned spirit
to a place of healing waters and comforting shade
It knows of your pain. suffering. and anguished tears
which haunt. torment. and bind you unmercifully
You who believed you were alone in a temporal desert
will find answers and reasons enough to heal yourself
Nothing that has befallen you or been caused by you
is beyond being transformed into a nurturing reality
I know you've tried any number of remedies
which have not given you your desired magic elixir
And. perhaps you're so bone weary and disappointed
that you feel self pity and surrender are your only options
These self fulfilling prophesies are entirely up to you
for only you may decide which course to undertake
However. the place I have spoken about is also an option
and it's so fundamentally easy once you truly grasp it
It will lift the burdens from your heart and soul
and set you free from their currently destructive patterns
And all you have to do is believe in a universal truth
which is that you are an eternal soul
In God's infinite wisdom we are eternally blessed with free will
and until you understand that you'll find it difficult to progress
And since God created you as an eternal soul with free will
is there really anything more that you expect from God
God so loved and believed in you and your potential
that you were given these most precious of all gifts
But it is left up to you to nurture and enrich your soul
and nothing nor anyone may stop this process except you
And please understand. that so long as your focus
is primarily fixated on the temporal world and its illusions
While devoting to it the majority of your energy and motivation
you'll find it very difficult to make any true spiritual progress
But. all you'll ever need to gain spiritual enlightenment
is and always has been a fundamental part of your soul
And the key to opening these wondrous depositories of faith
and knowledge is to simply exercise your own free will
Time is a river flowing along the shores of forever
and you have all the time there is to heal yourself
The question, is will you plant seeds which will flower
or will you build more walls to keep the light out
The choice of course is yours and only yours
but be mindful to take the responsibility for your decision
For you are the sole architect of your soul
and you must live with and answer for whomever you create

Author: dennis j hopkins

To Read more of Dennis' wonderful writings, please visit his website at: dennis j hopkins