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(to siblings from son)

Good news I have this morning
Mother won't be coming today
Her car broke down right in town
While she was on her way

I'm feeling somewhat guilty
to be so happy now
But you know, we need a break
From that contentious little gal

No need for her to do these things
She can't get it in her mind
That we were only kids back then
But we've grown up with time

But she is now on a destructive course
to even up the score
And keeps right on reminding us
just what she's doing it for

We'll have to bear this burden
because she is our kin
We'll plan a place for hiding
When she comes back again

Let's send her on a vacation
To some distant little isle
Then we could sit back, enjoy ourselves
and rest a little while

Until she finds her way back home,
comes to visit once again
Then woe is me, Lord help me please
She'll sure get even then!


Betty Hill & Yolanda Cohen
© 2004

Yolanda Cohen

Betty Hill