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You tiny little spider there
Don't you try and scare me
I'm a big brave boy
Ain't 'fraid of nothing you see

I picked up a strong ole frog
Held him tight 'til he croaked
I ain't 'fraid of any bugs
All that stuffs a big joke

Don't worry me to hear a dog bark
I ain't gonna run and hide
When I see the cat's claws
I don't run, I just step inside

  I still ain't 'fraid of nothing
Not even a slimy worm
I've had them in my pockets
They can't do no harm

Why a big ole snake got in my yard
I just called my dad
I knew he'd want to see it
Before I smashed it dead

Now if you want a bodyguard
You can call my name
I'm just only 6yrs old
  But I can body guard just the same

And I'll protect you from them bugs
Those frogs and great big snakes
Why, I can handle them
trust me, for pity sakes

Written By: Betty Hill

Midi Playing: Itsy Bitsy Spider