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dear mom, this is yore son bubba
im writin' to let you no
i ain't gonna graduate
they say i'm too dum

i admit i did not study
or get ready for exams
not knowin' how to read or rite
don't actually make me dum

mom i learned to drive a car
and terrorize the neighborhood
'cause i just love to drive that car
much faster than i should

  got a ticket from the police who said
i need some kind of lisence to drive
but mom if you could see me go
you'd say "O Man A-Live"

i hope you won't be too sad
if i don't graduate
'cause i've learned a lot of neat stuff
from staying up too late

i thought you'd like to show me off
so i borrowed a cap and gown
got my picture took in it
  though it makes me look like a clown

no one will ever have to no
what happened here at school
'cause i won't tell them anything
they'll think your son is cool

Written By: Betty Hill